None Shall Pass Bombs
Setting a New Standard
March 9, 2017
8 min to read
Carrie shuffled up sixty cards for the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier last weekend and barely missed snagging a blue envelope with Temur Tower.
Cards I Want in Modern Masters 2017
March 2, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie looks at the early spoilers from Modern Masters 2017 and picks some cards she hopes to see in the draft environment.
Five Hidden Gems of Aether Revolt
February 23, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie highlights five gems from Aether Revolt that you can pick up late in your draft.
Trophy Mage
February 16, 2017
4 min to read
Carrie spent the weekend in the single-elimination online draft leagues.
The New Draft Metagame
February 9, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie breaks down the Aether Revolt draft metagame coming out of the Pro Tour.
No Way San Jose
February 2, 2017
4 min to read
Carrie reports from Grand Prix San Jose, where her friend and fellow Team Draft League founder Richard Tan cracked the top eight.
Aether Revolt Sealed Primer
January 26, 2017
4 min to read
Carrie breaks down Aether Revolt sealed to help you prepare for Grand Prix San Jose and Prague.
Assembly Worker Revolt
January 19, 2017
6 min to read
Carrie went to town at the Aether Revolt prerelease with the grindiest deck of assembly workers ever built.
Tempo Evasion
January 12, 2017
6 min to read
Carrie looks ahead of Aether Revolt draft and explores the concept of tempo evasion.
Taking Magic to Cuba
January 5, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie returns from a family trip to Cuba which included a Magic lesson in the Holguin airport.
Drafting Energy
December 29, 2016
6 min to read
Carrie predicts that Kaladesh will be an all-time great draft format thanks to a revolutionary new mechanic called Energy.