Modern Institute of Technology

Standard Grixis PPTQ Report

Shawn writes about his recent Standard PPTQ win playing Grixis.

Two PPTQs & Two GPs

Shawn discusses his experiences at two local PPTQs and recaps GPLA & GPCHAR

On the Bubble & SCG Indy

Shawn talks byes, Bubble Hulk, and SCG Indy.

The Problem With Two-Headed Giant

Here’s the problem with Two-Headed Giant: the the games are too damn long.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Two Plays

Shawn discusses two excellent play decisions he saw over the weekend, one in Modern at the SCG Open and one in Standard at a local gameday.

SCG Modern States, Part One

Shawn discusses the first wave of results from SCG Modern States.

Week Two, Post B&R

Shawn discusses the results from last weekend’s SCG Modern Classic.

Week One, Post B&R

Shawn breaks down the results of the SCG Baltimore Modern Classic.

Eyes, Visions, and Swords

Shawn discusses the recent B&R Announcement which saw the banning of Eye of Ugin and the unbanning of Sword of the Meek and Ancestral Vision.

Old Time Favorites

This week Guest Author Aaron Gazzaniga writes for MIT to discuss some old favorites.

Previewing the Modern Bannings

This week we check-in with our spies at Wizards of the Coast who may have secured a secret document previewing the SOI Modern bannings.