Grinding It Out
I Was, Am, And Will Always Be a Gamer
September 25, 2013
8 min to read
Anyone who has been an important part of my life will probably be able to associate me with whichever game […]
Theros Instants and Flash Creatures
September 18, 2013
1 min to read
I have once again compiled a list of all of the instants and flash creatures in Theros. Enjoy!
2013 Northeast Tournament Schedule
September 11, 2013
4 min to read
To make things easier on everyone, I’ve compiled a large majority of this fall’s PTQs and other big tournaments in a comprehensive spreadsheet.
What Are Some Common Player Tells?
September 4, 2013
4 min to read
Monique digs into a question she’s been considering more and more lately.
In the Land of Peetee Cue
August 28, 2013
5 min to read
Once upon a time, there was a happy princess who loved going on adventures.
Magic Online 101
August 21, 2013
7 min to read
Welcome class. Today we will be learning about the basic’s of playing Magic the Gathering Online.
Taking the Competitive Route
August 14, 2013
3 min to read
It was just about two years ago that I stumbled upon Twenty Sided Store in Williamsburg Brooklyn and it’s been […]
Overweight Feline
August 7, 2013
3 min to read
I apprehensively enter the belly of the overweight feline, feeling my way thought the dark staircase with bated breath.
Jund Midrange at SCG Somerset
July 31, 2013
6 min to read
7:15 a.m. The alarm wakes me in a daze. “But, but— I don’t wanna go to work,” I silently exclaim. […]
What Are The Most Annoying Magic Habits?
July 24, 2013
3 min to read
For the past week I’ve been out on the mean streets of New York asking MTG-ers a very simple question: What ticks you off?
“To Be [Competitive], or Not to Be”
July 17, 2013
5 min to read
It’s easy for me to enter any event with my competitive mentality turned all the way up. So at this past weekend’s M14 prerelease, I decided to try to turn it down a notch.