Grinding It Out
How to Approach Modern
January 2, 2019
5 min to read
Did you resolve to get better at Modern? Ally is here to help.
Sideboarding in Modern
December 24, 2018
8 min to read
How do Modern sideboards tick? Stay awhile, and listen.
Relax and Recharge Over Winter Break
December 19, 2018
4 min to read
How do you fit Magic into the end-of-year holiday lull? Ally has some suggestions!
MTG Arena Free to Play Guide to What Cards to Craft, Part One
October 15, 2018
7 min to read
With limited resources, how should MTG Arena players most effectively use their wildcards?
Evaluating Odd Control Warrior in Boomsday Ladder
August 27, 2018
6 min to read
Billy joins the team at Hipsters of the Coast to talk Hearthstone in the Boomsday meta and focuses on how well he’s managed with Odd Control Warrior so far
Development Milestones for MTGDad
March 7, 2018
4 min to read
This week we take a look at some developmental milestones we’ve achieved in our few months as an MTGDad
MTGDad Eight-Week Check-In and Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Pool Analysis
February 28, 2018
4 min to read
With a second trophy in his pocket, can you help MTGDad get ready for a fifth RIX Friendly Sealed League?
MTGDad vs. Ravnica Standard Throwback Gauntlet
February 21, 2018
3 min to read
This week we get nostalgic with the Ravnica Standard throwback queue on MTGO
My Actual First MTGDad Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Trophy
February 7, 2018
4 min to read
This week we celebrate actually getting a trophy in a Rivals of Ixalan friendly Sealed League! No metaphors, just some Merfolk and Dinosaurs stomping all over a league while my baby gets gassy and spits up all over me!
My First MTGDad Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Trophy
January 31, 2018
3 min to read
This week we celebrate some major accomplishments in MTGParenting as we continue to juggle our newfound newborn responsibilities with a Rivals of Ixalan Sealed League.
My First MTGDad Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Pool
January 24, 2018
4 min to read
We finally dive into a Rivals of Ixalan draft, er sealed pool rather, while balancing changing diapers and helping out with the newborn