Ensnaring Cambridge
The Imaginary Magic Hygiene Problem Revisited
December 30, 2015
8 min to read
Shawn revisits his controversial article on hygiene in the Magic community.
Burn the Bridge and Build a New One
September 30, 2015
5 min to read
Shawn talks about the end of Ensnaring Cambridge and the beginning of a new series.
Two Headed Giant, Modern, and More at SCG Worcester
September 16, 2015
7 min to read
Shawn talks about Team Tunnel Ignus playing Two-Headed Giant and Team Wolfpack playing Modern at SCG Worcester.
Bringing Modern to Light
September 9, 2015
6 min to read
Shawn suggests the recently spoiled Bring to Light as a potential inclusion to Modern Restore Balance and Scapeshift.
Pucatrade and the Pauper Cube
August 26, 2015
6 min to read
Shawn tries out Pucatrade and reports back on his experience.
PPTQ Deck Swap
August 19, 2015
6 min to read
Shawn and his friends decide to swap decks for a local PPTQ. One of them wins the whole thing.
Is UW Tron a Real Deck?
August 12, 2015
7 min to read
After losing a lot in a Twin/Jund heavy meta, Shawn considers playing UW Tron for the remainder of the Modern Season. But is it a real deck?
The 2015 Wolfpack Invitational 2.0
August 5, 2015
9 min to read
Shawn shares pictures and stories from the second ever Wolfpack Invitational.
Power Cube Rotisserie Draft
July 29, 2015
7 min to read
Shawn discusses his first ever Rotisserie Draft.
My First Origins Draft
July 22, 2015
5 min to read
Shawn discusses his first Origins draft and his initial impressions on the format.
Two Prereleases and the Remix to (Chandra’s) Ignition
July 15, 2015
7 min to read
Shawn has wildly disparate experiences playing 2HG and Sealed at the Origins prerelease.