What We Learned

Tyler Schroeder’s Red-Green Monsters Stomp All Over Grand Prix Memphis

Energy decks? Scarab gods? Glorybringers? Welcome back to Standard Grand Prix.

Jace the Mind Sculptor Declared Safe in Modern After Zero Copies Appear in Top 8 of Grand Prix Lyon

Jace the Mind Sculptor is clearly Overrated.

Community Calls for Bogles to be Banned after Dan Ward wins Modern GP in Toronto

The sneaky combo deck flies under the Modern radar and carries Dan Ward to the title over Jon Stern’s burn deck.

Luis Salvatto Shines the Spotlight on Lantern Control at Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan

Just like everyone expected, Lantern Control was the story of the weekend. Only nine pros showed up to Bilbao with the deck, but Luis Salvatto piloted it all the way to a championship.

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Marcelino Freeman Crushes Field of Almost 2,000 Players at GP London and Some Folks Showed up for GP Houston

They say everything is bigger in Texas but that’s apparently not true of Rivals of Ixalan limited Grand Prix tournaments […]

Youth Defeats Experience at Grand Prix Indianapolis 2017

Grand Prix Indianapolis kicked off the Rivals of Ixalan season of competitive Magic this weekend. What did we learn about the new limited format and the new coverage format? We also check-in on the Pro Tour Team series!

Previewing the Rivals of Ixalan Competitive Season

With the pre-release in your rear view mirror and hopefully a few packs in your pocket, Rivals of Ixalan competitive season gets underway this weekend in Indianapolis. Are you prepared for 3 months of RIX action?

Grand Prix Santa Clara and Closing Out the Ixalan Season

Grand Prix Santa Clara was the final event before Rivals of Ixalan goes live. Before you gear up for your RIX prereleases, take a look back on the 111 days of the Ixalan season of competitive Magic.

Five Dates to Circle on the 2018 MTG Calendar

We kick off the new year by highlighting a handful of events we’re super excited for on the 2018 Magic calendar!

Top Five Stories in the Magic Community in 2017

It’s remarkable to me that 2017 will be over in just a couple of weeks. This year has both been […]

Could There Have Been an Unstable Grand Prix?

Two Modern Grand Prix were held this weekend but Unstable was the talk of the town. Should it have been the featured format for a Grand Prix as well?