What We Learned

Journey into Nyx Prerelease

This week we played in the prerelease for Journey into Nyx. Find out what we thought of the final set of the Theros block.

Journey into Nyx Spoiler Season

This week we break down spoiler season for Journey Into Nyx. We’ll find out what has everyone the most excited heading into prerelease weekend.

MTG at PAX East

Wizards made a big showing at PAX East this year with big announcements about Journey into Nyx, Magic 2015, and Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015. We went to Boston to get the latest details on these topics and more.


Godsend was released last week and tells the first part of Elspeth and Xenagos’s adventures in Theros. We discuss the book and the positives of branding Theros by Wizards.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Juice Cleanse

This week I went on a three-day juice cleanse with my girlfriend. I document the process so that other Magic players can better understand the benefits.

MTGO Offline Revisited

Magic Online PTQ events were taken down four months ago. One month ago they returned, only to be taken down again. Why does Wizards keep making these mistakes, and will they ever stop?


Grand Prix Richmond should have been the crown jewel of the 2014 GP Circuit. Instead it was marred by a bullying and shaming scandal.

Grand Prix Richmond

What does it mean for the future of Magic that Grand Prix Richmond featured 4,000 players and over 10,000 viewers?

Jace vs Vraska

This week Wizards revealed the contents of the Jace vs Vraska boxed set and they are exciting!

Pro Tour Born of the Gods

The Modern format was at center-stage this weekend in Valencia, Spain for Pro Tour Born of the Gods. We recap the first major event of 2014.


Wizards announced the 2014 From the Vault boxed set this week and it will blow you away. Literally. Not so much figuratively.