What We Learned

Belzenlok Wins Grand Prix Amsterdam

Yet another amazing performance on the competitive circuit by the demon lord Belzenlok

Yamamoto, Matsubara, and Takamura Take Down Grand Prix Kyoto Crushing all Mind Sculptors

Grand Prix Kyoto was Jace’s time to shine.

Steve Locke Takes Down GP Phoenix with Modern Humans, but Let’s Talk About Cheating

Modern was in the spotlight in Phoenix but let’s talk about cheating instead.

Team Competitions Entertain Viewers in Madrid but not Santiago

Team Competitions are great, except when they feature multiple top players in the world and you can’t watch them live.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

What’s the Point of Reprints Anyways?

25th Anniversary Masters is full of reprints and 148 of them are seeing their first paper booster product reprint ever, but what’s the point?

Dmitriy Butakov Takes Down MOCS With Soon-to-be-Banned Modern Bogles

The new Modern meta was on display at the Magic Online Championship Series this weekend

25th Anniversary Masters

This week we roast Magic’s latest product: 25th Anniversary Masters

Can Challenger Decks Destroy the Secondary Market?

Rich considers the implications of the new Challenger Decks.

Tyler Schroeder’s Red-Green Monsters Stomp All Over Grand Prix Memphis

Energy decks? Scarab gods? Glorybringers? Welcome back to Standard Grand Prix.

Dryad Arbor, Slow Play and Lantern Control

Is slow play a growing concern for competitive Magic or simply the latest mass outrage?

MTGFinance for Socialists

Hot MTGFinance tip of the week: Don’t invest in MTGFinance columns.