What We Learned

Duels Origins and the Future of Magic

At PAX East we were able to sit down with Brand Manager Liz Lamb-Ferro to discuss Duels Origins, MTGO, Women in Magic, Pro Tour Coverage and more.

PAX East 2015

Rich went to PAX East, live-blogged the Magic panel, interviewed a bunch of Wizards people, and forgot to include an excerpt! All this and more, today on “What We Learned.”

Designing Tempest Remastered

This week we put on our designer/developer hat and build Tempest Remastered

From the Vault: Angels

Wizards recently announced From the Vault: Angels and we talk about what to expect from the 15-card box set this fall.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Meet the New (MTGO) Boss

This week we take a look at the first changes Lee Sharpe is making as MTGO event manager

Announcing Magic Origins

This weekend Wizards announced several changes to the World Cup and World Championship along with the reveal of this summer’s Magic Origins set.

Archive Trap

This week we talk about the daunting task of creating an archive of Magic information on the internet

The Health of the Modern Community

This week we take a look at the mental health of the modern community in the wake of the banning of Birthing Pod

The Design of Fate Reforged

This week we take a look at the overall design of Magic’s latest expansion


This week we take a look at the representation of genders and ethnic groups among the designers and developers of Magic the Gathering.

2015 Resolutions

This week I share my New Year’s resolutions for 2015