What We Learned

Cyber Monday 2016

If you’ve been saving up your weekly allowance to buy some Magic cards, today is probably the day to do it.

Wizards Announces Exclusive Streaming Partnership with Twitch

Last week Wizards announced a new partnership with Twitch for exclusive streaming rights.

American History X

Who is the Magic community?

Our Last Days as a Nation

With the presidential election looming, Rich takes a look at the impact the results will have on the Nation and in our own community of gamers

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

This is Halloween

Rich ponders the idea of holiday promos for Magic outside of the usual Christmas gifts.

HasCon and the 2017 Magic Premiere Event Calendar

Rich takes a look at the recent announcement of HasCon and its implications for the Magic community.

Wizards Announces Organized Play Changes for Pro Tour Kaladesh

Rich takes a look at the changes to Organized Play that were announced ahead of Pro Tour Kaladesh

Everyone’s Buying eSports Teams (and the Future of Magic Online)

This week we take a look at the changing landscape of eSports and Wizards of the Coast’s desire to get involved.

The 2017 Magic Online Championship Series (MOCS)

Rich investigates the newly-announced changes to the Magic Online Championship Series.

A History of Technology in the Multiverse

On the eve of the Inventors’ Fair on Kaladesh we look back on the marvels of technology from the rest of the multiverse.

Happy Birthday, Hipsters of the Coast!

Chief Hipster Rich wishes our site a happy fourth birthday!