Drawing Live
Fate Reforged First Spoilers
December 30, 2014
4 min to read
We’ve got the first big round of Fate Reforged spoilers! Zach’s here with the first scoop.
Jeskai Charm
December 23, 2014
5 min to read
What makes a charm good? Why should a charm see play in Limited or Constructed? Let’s examine… Jeskai Charm.
Modern Jeskai Ascendancy
December 16, 2014
5 min to read
Zach had a blast with Modern Jeskai Ascendancy. Here’s what you need to know about the deck.
Modern Masters 2
December 9, 2014
6 min to read
Zach’s here with speculation and concerns about next year’s big release: Modern Masters 2!
Choose Your Fate
December 2, 2014
1 min to read
It’s time for another Flashback Draft, and you can decide which old set will be drafted next!
No More MODO
November 25, 2014
3 min to read
Zach used to draft online twenty or so times a week (and stream it all). He doesn’t play online at all anymore. Why?
Cash in, Cash out
November 18, 2014
4 min to read
Zach’s got some new goodies from GPNJ and… doesn’t know what to do with them. Why do we obsess about value, anyway?
How to Address Cheating
November 11, 2014
5 min to read
We all know that cheating is bad. The question is, how do we appropriately and communally respond to it? Zach’s got a story.
Arthurian Court Intrigue
November 4, 2014
6 min to read
Zach returns to the world of Avalon for an unusual feature: a critique.
Sometimes, It’s Not Bad Luck
October 21, 2014
8 min to read
Bad luck can often be blamed when in fact poor strategy is at fault. Zach explains, using The Resistance: Avalon!
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good Decks?
October 7, 2014
6 min to read
Zach breaks down two almost diametrically opposed Limited decks to see what happens when good decks go bad (and vice versa).