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Design of a Card: Alchemist’s Greeting
July 19, 2016
7 min to read
Zach dives deep into the design of new common removal spell Alchemist’s Greeting.
Common Removal in Eldritch Moon
July 12, 2016
10 min to read
In anticipation of the prerelease, Zach studies the new and existing removal and see which colors are improving, and which are getting worse.
Where’s the Magic?
July 5, 2016
5 min to read
You may have noticed that there hasn’t been Magic GP video coverage in a month. Here’s why, and why it’s the norm for the near future.
State of Planar Design 2016
June 28, 2016
8 min to read
With the Eldritch Moon rising and Kaladesh looming in the distance, Zach takes stock of the design of every plane in Magic.
Executing the Design of Eldritch Moon
June 21, 2016
5 min to read
We finally know the big bad of Eldritch Moon. This character creates some enormous design challenges. Zach tells us what Eldritch Moon will need to address.
Dealing with Failure and Success
June 14, 2016
4 min to read
Fresh off a PPTQ loss and a good deal of success with LLM and EMA, Zach asks the question: how do you reconcile feeling both good and bad at Magic?
An Ode to Man-o’-War
June 7, 2016
6 min to read
Zach sings a song of praise to the greatest blue creature of all time: Man-o’-War.
Eternal Masters Limited Analysis
May 31, 2016
8 min to read
Zach breaks down a bunch of important commons and common interactions in Eternal Masters draft, as well as addresses the elephant in the room: is Eternal Masters worth it?
Eternal Masters: Initial Limited Impressions
May 24, 2016
4 min to read
Eternal Masters spoiler season has begun! Let’s check out the cards most important to Limited: the commons and uncommons, and make some surprising inferences about the rest of the set!
What Is Magic? (Part 2)
May 17, 2016
6 min to read
What is Magic? Is it one game? Is it several games under the umbrella category of Magic? Let’s get to the bottom of this.
What Is Magic?
May 3, 2016
8 min to read
Magic is many, many things to millions of people around the world. Have you ever stopped to think about just what Magic is and how it can possibly be one game?