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The Designs of Modern Horizons
June 4, 2019
8 min to read
Modern Horizons has a host of cool designs to gush over and critique, so that’s what we’re doing today.
Design of a Card: Guild Globe
May 28, 2019
6 min to read
Before cracking your Guild Globe, take a moment to think about just how much thought went its unique design.
Does Force of Negation Live up to the Hype?
May 21, 2019
7 min to read
How does Modern’s new free counterspell stack up to its famous counterpart?
The Designs of War of the Spark
May 7, 2019
6 min to read
Learn about five of the most crucial cards in War of the Spark draft, why blue is the best color, and why green-white bats below par.
Every War of the Spark Common Review, Part 2
April 25, 2019
23 min to read
We conclude our review of every common in War of the Spark with red, green, colorless, and the a full review of the colors!
Every War of the Spark Common Reviewed, Part 1
April 23, 2019
26 min to read
War of the Spark is fully spoiled, which means it’s time to prep for Limited! Today, it’s all the white, blue, and black commons.
Lore of the Spark
April 16, 2019
13 min to read
The payoff for years of setup is finally here! We’re here with more than the usual amount of snark to sort out the story of War of the Spark.
Drafting with All the Planeswalkers
April 9, 2019
8 min to read
How exactly will these uncommon Planeswalkers play in War of the Spark draft?
Amassing a New Mechanic
April 2, 2019
6 min to read
Amass is one of the trickier mechanics to evaluate in a long time. Watch us do it anyway!
Six Years and a Lifetime Ago
March 26, 2019
5 min to read
On his sixth anniversary at Hipsters of the Coast, Zach encourages you all to look back.