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Reviewing the State of Design 2019
August 27, 2019
8 min to read
What does Rosewater’s State of Design tell us? What can we infer?
The Hill Giant Birthday
August 20, 2019
5 min to read
Zach turns 33, the palindrome year between 22 and 44, and takes the time to reflect.
Design of a Card: Apex Altisaur
August 13, 2019
5 min to read
The always-angry, easily-enraged Apex Altisaurs has more secrets looming behind its massive frame than one would expect.
The Magic Moment
August 7, 2019
7 min to read
Magic is difficult to learn because it can be hard to appreciate from the outside. Perhaps some tricks from demoing other games can help bridge this gap.
Teach Games Masterfully
July 30, 2019
7 min to read
Here’s what you need to know to teach anyone any game.
The Designs of Core Set 2020
July 16, 2019
12 min to read
Core Set 2020 is chock full of notable designs, so join us as we dive into twenty of them!
How to Draft Elementals
July 9, 2019
6 min to read
Elementals are back in Core 2020 and spread across three distinct color pairs. Here’s how to draft all of them.
Design of a Card: Cloudkin Seer
July 2, 2019
5 min to read
Core 2020 introduces an unprecedented value flier in Cloudkin Seer.
Magic Product Release Super Saturation Hype
June 18, 2019
8 min to read
Since 2016, Magic has annual broken its own records for the amount of Magic released. Can we handle the hype?
The Removal of Modern Horizons
June 11, 2019
13 min to read
You shall know a Limited format by the trail of removal spells.