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The Designs of Kaldheim
January 19, 2021
8 min to read
Kaldheim pushes the color pie like Planar Chaos and has a wider array of mechanics than sets not named Future Sight.
Mechanic Design in Kaldheim
January 12, 2021
7 min to read
Will times be a-Changeling after players say Snow more?
Kaldheim First Look
January 5, 2021
6 min to read
Kaldheim season is almost here, but there’s already plenty of cards to gush over and learn from.
Designing for Best of One
December 29, 2020
8 min to read
Magic Arena, Hearthstone, Legends of Runeterra, and Eternal all tried their hand at solving the problems with best of one.
Creating Good Choices
December 22, 2020
5 min to read
Kaldheim’s Modal Double-Faced Cards might be much harder to design than Zendikar Rising’s.
Design of a Card: Goblin Piker
December 15, 2020
5 min to read
Goblin Piker hasn’t been printed in a long time, but it continues to spawn legions of new designs.
Magic: the Netflixening
December 8, 2020
10 min to read
What happens when you compress ten weeks of play into two? Magic’s Netflix era.
A Gruul Change of Heart
December 1, 2020
5 min to read
Magic’s most stubborn color pair needs a makeover.
Parallel Designs in Commander Legends—and Beyond
November 17, 2020
6 min to read
What do Command Tower, Thought Vessel, and Simic Signet all have in common (besides being in Commander Legends)?
Cascading a New Theme
November 10, 2020
5 min to read
Commander Legends takes one of Magic’s sweetest mechanics and makes it even better.
The Lost Year
October 27, 2020
3 min to read
Commander Legends is the latest exciting Magic release to miss its day in the sun.