Doomed Travelers
Arting Around In Paris
May 5, 2015
1 min to read
This week, Matt “Famous Artist” Jones recounts his month in Paris and the Doomed Travelers weigh in on Modern Masters 2015.
Scout’s Honor
April 28, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the recent hullabaloo around organized scouting at Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir.
Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir Recap
April 21, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir’s impact on the new Standard format.
Pro Tour Teams
March 31, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the recent team shakeup for the upcoming Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir.
Dragons of Tarkir First Impressions
March 24, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss their first impression Dragons of Tarkir after prerelease weekend.
Where Are They Now? Dragons of Tarkir Edition
March 19, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the timeline-shifted cards from Dragons of Tarkir.
The Dragons of Tarkir
March 17, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss all of the upcoming dragons from Dragons of Tarkir.
Magic Duels Origins
March 12, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming release of Magic Duels Origins, the newest Duels of the Planeswalkers video game.
The PAX East 2015 Magic Panel
March 10, 2015
1 min to read
The Doomed Travelers podcast is a bi-weekly Magic news show recorded while playing Destiny. Make sure to subscribe to the Doomed Travelers […]
The Anatomy Of A Siege Rhino
March 5, 2015
8 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as they dive deep into the process Wizard’s R&D might have used to develop Siege Rhino before it was printed in Khans of Tarkir!
Tempest Remastered and Digital Magic
March 3, 2015
1 min to read
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming digital-only Tempest Remastered release and what it means for the future of digital Magic.