Command of Etiquette
On Justice and Gastergort
October 14, 2014
7 min to read
Jess talks about the anti-social justice movement sweeping through our sister communities, and hopes it stays out of the Magic playground.
Morph Is Weird
October 7, 2014
6 min to read
Jess wades further into the “morph Commander deck” morass. Will she like what she finds there?
September 30, 2014
6 min to read
Jess breaks morph for Commander, highlighting the best general, best color combination, and best enablers for the mechanic.
Diminishing Returns
September 23, 2014
7 min to read
Jess looks at how we’ve gotten down to five rares and a random promo as our Prerelease swag, and shows highlights a few Commander cards to keep an eye on.
The Wedge Revue, Part Two
September 16, 2014
7 min to read
Jess talks about the changes to the Commander banned list, before finishing out her stroll through wedges past.
The Wedge Revue, Part One
September 9, 2014
7 min to read
Jess takes us on part one of a look back at the past wedge commanders, putting the khans of Khans of Tarkir into khan-text.
A Casual Knight in a Competitive Mecca
September 2, 2014
9 min to read
Jess gives a minor tournament report on the SCG Invitational, in which she did … respectably?
Let’s Build a Deck!
August 26, 2014
9 min to read
Jess exorcises a Commander deck idea, walking through her attempt to tackle a RUG self-mill deck focused on instants and sorceries.
From the Vault: Degradation
August 19, 2014
8 min to read
Jess talks fantasy FtV: Annihilation. Guess what cards make up her 15!
People Are Chaos
August 12, 2014
9 min to read
Jess talks about some of the more frustrating and alienating experiences of GP Boston/Worcester, now with supporting gifs!
Guardians of the Fallacy
August 5, 2014
6 min to read
Jess talks about Guardians of the Galaxy, Magic 2015, GP Boston/Worcester, and casual Saturdays. That’s so Commander!