Brew Corner
Slide to Exile
March 22, 2016
6 min to read
This week Aaron touches upon an old favorite for an unexpected appearance in Legacy: Astral Slide.
WR Stax
March 8, 2016
5 min to read
This week Aaron discusses Stax, another old favorite that he puts his own touches on.
Mardu Eldrazi Fighter
February 23, 2016
5 min to read
This week Aaron takes on the Eldrazi Menace representing almost half of Day 2 of the Modern Open in Louisville, 20 of those appearing in top 32.
Playing with Counterfits
February 9, 2016
8 min to read
This week Aaron reacts to a challenge to brew Counterfits, a variant of Nic Fit with Counterspells.
Hedron Stompy
January 26, 2016
7 min to read
Aaron brews up a new Sea Stompy deck for Legacy using Hedron Alignment.
Stone Haven Drawing
January 12, 2016
6 min to read
This week Aaron tries his hand at Standard brewing just in time for Oath of the Gatewatch release weekend.
Black Green Superfriends
December 29, 2015
9 min to read
This week Aaron explores his deep passion for Garruk, Apex Predator through a Modern Superfriends build.
Challenge Accepted
December 15, 2015
7 min to read
Aaron brews a sweet deck based on the mysterious Reddit Seance Modern challenge.
BW Hatebears
December 2, 2015
7 min to read
Aaron is back with a new brew. This time he’s taking on the Modern metagame with his version of BW Hatebears.
Shardless Pox
November 18, 2015
5 min to read
Guest writer Aaron Gazzaniga shares his fresh Legacy brew, Shardless Pox, a new take on an old classic.
Death and Taxes and Blue Cards
November 3, 2015
6 min to read
Guest writer Aaron Gazzaniga shares his fresh Legacy brew, Blue-White Death and Taxes, just in time for GP Seattle.