Breaking News

Wizards of the Coast Announces Core Set 2020 and Commander 2019

New products coming this summer!

New Experimental Mulligan Rule Will Be Used at Mythic Championship London

Say goodbye to mulligans as you know them!

Formats for Mythic Championship London Revealed: Modern and War of the Spark Limited

War of the Spark cards will NOT be legal in the Modern portion.

ChannelFireball Will Stream “Select” Grand Prix

Video coverage will start with GP LA next weekend.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Wizards of the Coast Eliminates MSRP for Products Beginning with War of the Spark

The change comes at a time when Wizards has been building more direct sales partnerships with online retailers.

Nexus of Fate Banned from Best-of-1 Standard on MTG Arena

The card had been the bane of MTG Arena Standard since the printing of Wilderness Reclamation.

Mythic Invitational Details Revealed: 64 Players and $1 Million Prize Pool

The top eight Constructed players from MTG Arena in February will also be invited.

Krark Clan Ironworks Banned In Modern

Ancient Stirrings and Mox Opal were also looked at, but survived…for now.

Alex Bertoncini Given Lifetime Suspension from Magic by the DCI

Wizards of the Coast would not confirm what event precipitated the lifetime ban.

The 32 Players in the 2019 Magic Pro League

The 32 chosen players will get contracts worth up to $75,000.

Wizards Announces $10 Million Mythic Championships and Magic Pro League for 2019

There will be 10 Mythic Championships in 2019 with a $10 million prize pool.