Breaking News

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis and Faithless Looting Banned In Modern

Both Hogaak and Faithless Looting were emblematic of the dominance of graveyard-based strategies in Modern.

Stoneforge Mystic Unbanned in Modern

The Modern format began with Stoneforge Mystic on its banned list after the card was banned in Standard months earlier.

Rampaging Ferocidon Unbanned in Standard—Until it Rotates in a Month

It will finally get a second chance after spending over 80% of its time in Standard on the ban list. 

Karn, the Great Creator, Mystic Forge, Mental Misstep, and Golgari Grave-Troll Restricted in Vintage, Fastbond Unrestricted

Wizards added three cards to Vintage’s restricted list.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

First Chapters of the Wildered Quest Reveal New and Returning Characters in Throne of Eldraine

The Dutch bookseller posted a 12 page preview of The Wildered Quest by Kate Elliott.

MTG Arena Coming Epic This Winter, Mac Version “Shortly After”

The Epic Games Store is a third-party video game store front that supports PC and Mac.

MTG Companion App Available Today on iOS and Android

The Open Beta available on both iOS and Android in all languages that Magic is currently published in.

The Players Tour Will Replace Magic’s Pro Tour

The Players Tour is much closer to the Pro Tour than the tabletop Mythic Championships were.

Magic Pro League Changes, Magic Rivals League, and MPL Gauntlet Announced

They will combine to provide players a way to earn a spot in the Magic Pro League.

All 4 Commanders from Commander 2019 Revealed at Gencon

Each Commander is focused on one of four mechanics: populate, madness, flashback, and morph.

Magic Pro League Makes Big Changes for its Core Split, Starts August 10

The Core Split will be four weeks long with one division playing each week.