Counting to 20
The DCI vs Sportsmanship
November 28, 2014
6 min to read
What do the morph rule and the intentional draw rule have in common? GCB builds on LSV’s case against the morph rule.
Counting to 20
Let It Go
November 21, 2014
4 min to read
GCB confronts tournament politics, bad beats, and taking responsibility at a PTQ.
Counting to 20
My Vintage Deck
November 14, 2014
4 min to read
GCB describes his first real tournament, his first real competitive deck, and how he finally figured out that it wasn’t as good as he thought.
Counting to 20
Suspicious Khans Sealed Advice
November 7, 2014
7 min to read
@uncle_gcb challenges @ReidDuke to a grudge-match sealed-deck build-off on this week’s Counting to 20
Counting to 20
Beating the Cheats
October 31, 2014
5 min to read
What the rest of us can do about cheating in competitive Magic.
Counting to 20
The Art of the Assist
October 24, 2014
5 min to read
Is Magic really a team game? GCB explains what an ‘assist’ means in the competitive Magic world.
Counting to 20
Discipline Your Mana
October 17, 2014
6 min to read
GCB takes you through his formula for choosing lands in Limited, using the decks that took him to a 5-1 draft record at Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir.
Counting to 20
An Ode to Singletons
October 3, 2014
4 min to read
A story about how a young man fell in love… with playing one-ofs in his constructed decks.
Counting to 20
The Beauty of Bad Cards
September 26, 2014
5 min to read
We all have pet cards: GCB tells the story of one of his pets coming to the rescue, never mind the laws about amphibious rodents.
Counting to 20
Coping Mechanisms
September 19, 2014
4 min to read
GCB shares his survival guide for new constructed formats in anticipation of Khans of Tarkir Standard.
Counting to 20
Community Stein
September 12, 2014
6 min to read
GCB nominates his own Community Cup competitors, and he has good goddamn reasons.