Travis Norman


Far Wanderings

Designing JundJund: A Deep Dive Into Card Choices

Travis gives a closer look at the cards not included in this shared deck format, with some design philosophy along the way.

Far Wanderings

JundJund: A Dandân Variant for Midrange Players

Travis created a shared deck experience for people who love Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, and Lightning Bolt.

Far Wanderings

You Can Feel However You Want About Universes Beyond

Travis looks at the discourse around Universes Beyond, and how we can find a path forward together.

Far Wanderings

Modern, A Format I Once Knew

Travis looks at the story of Rip Van Winkle, and how it relates to people the Modern format left behind in early 2020.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Far Wanderings

The Magic Community Deserves Something Better Than Twitter

Travis looks at Magic’s complicated relationship with Twitter.

Far Wanderings

Commander Primer: Orzhov

The tenth and final installment to our Commander two-color primers.

Far Wanderings

Blue Mana: Magic’s Visual History of Life on the Sea

An art and flavor tour of how Magic uses the ocean for storytelling and world building.

Far Wanderings

How Magic: The Gathering Could Die, Part 2

If Magic did die, what would happen afterwards?

Far Wanderings

How Magic: The Gathering Could Die, Part 1

How exactly does a card game die, and can that ever happen to Magic?

Tenth Anniversary Top 10

Top 10 Things You Can Do To Grow A Pauper Scene At Your Local Game Store

Building a paper Pauper community in just ten easy steps.

Tenth Anniversary Top 10

Top 10 Reasons To Play Premodern Magic

Your old favorites will always be living in Premodern.