Jess Stirba

Senior Staff Writer


Command of Etiquette

Command of Etiquette―What’s Old Is New Again

Jess talks Commander 2014 spoilers, and she is PUMPED UP!

Command of Etiquette

Inspiration Versus Completion

Jess tries and fails to build a Narset, Enlightened Master Commander deck. Magic the Gathering is like a wall full of different jams, and she is locked.

Command of Etiquette

On Justice and Gastergort

Jess talks about the anti-social justice movement sweeping through our sister communities, and hopes it stays out of the Magic playground.

Command of Etiquette

Morph Is Weird

Jess wades further into the “morph Commander deck” morass. Will she like what she finds there?

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Command of Etiquette


Jess breaks morph for Commander, highlighting the best general, best color combination, and best enablers for the mechanic.

Command of Etiquette

Diminishing Returns

Jess looks at how we’ve gotten down to five rares and a random promo as our Prerelease swag, and shows highlights a few Commander cards to keep an eye on.

Command of Etiquette

The Wedge Revue, Part Two

Jess talks about the changes to the Commander banned list, before finishing out her stroll through wedges past.

Command of Etiquette

The Wedge Revue, Part One

Jess takes us on part one of a look back at the past wedge commanders, putting the khans of Khans of Tarkir into khan-text.

Command of Etiquette

A Casual Knight in a Competitive Mecca

Jess gives a minor tournament report on the SCG Invitational, in which she did … respectably?

Command of Etiquette

Let’s Build a Deck!

Jess exorcises a Commander deck idea, walking through her attempt to tackle a RUG self-mill deck focused on instants and sorceries.

Command of Etiquette

From the Vault: Degradation

Jess talks fantasy FtV: Annihilation. Guess what cards make up her 15!