Ensnaring Cambridge
Sacramentol Misstep: Born of the Gods
February 5, 2014
14 min to read
This week Shawn takes a trip to California, jams some dinner, makes fun of Mindreaver, and grinds out the Born of the Gods prerelease in Sacramento.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Orzhov Aggro
January 29, 2014
10 min to read
This week Shawn rekindles his interest in Standard by running Orzhov Aggro through a weekly tournament.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Golgari Midrange
January 22, 2014
9 min to read
This week, Shawn runs Golgari Midrange through a Standard tournament. Will he reap wilds or meet a heroic downfall? Read on to find out.
Ensnaring Cambridge
BG Devotion
January 15, 2014
11 min to read
This week Shawn takes BG Devotion for a spin, makes some trades, and anxiously awaits a new Standard format.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Buylisting Odyssey
January 8, 2014
11 min to read
This week Shawn takes a week off from playing Standard to talk about the exhausting process of buylisting, complete with a how-to guide and some tricks of the trade.
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Control, Week Two
January 1, 2014
11 min to read
This week Shawn plays through a Maxpoint Silver event with UW Control, becomes an honorary member of the Wolfpack, loses to his brother, bashes Phyrexians, and finishes the whole thing in ninth place.
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Control
December 25, 2013
9 min to read
This week Shawn discusses the flavor of Huey Jensen’s UW Control list from GP Dallas and runs the deck through a weekly Standard event.
Ensnaring Cambridge
GB Dredge, Week Two
December 18, 2013
13 min to read
This week Shawn takes back everything nice he ever said about Conley Woods’ GB Dredge deck after getting annihilated in a weekly Standard event.
Ensnaring Cambridge
BG Dredge
December 11, 2013
12 min to read
This week Shawn discusses luck vs. variance and plays a Conley Woods’ brew through a Standard tournament.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Jundredge, Week One and Never Again
December 4, 2013
9 min to read
This week Shawn makes Paperboy references, talks about a play he wrote, and runs his own brew through a Standard tournament.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Rakdos Aggro, Week Two and the Magic Guild
November 27, 2013
13 min to read
This week, Shawn writes about his old LGS and the unsettling actions of its owner. He also runs Rakdos Aggro through another Standard tournament with mixed results.