Ensnaring Cambridge
Khans & Homelands
October 1, 2014
7 min to read
Shawn travels back to his hometown and has a reunion with his highschool playgroup.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Prowess Palming at the Prerelease
September 24, 2014
6 min to read
Shawn discusses his experience at the Khans Prerelease, the prowess mechanic, and why Deflecting Palm is a stupid card.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Magic & The Mighty Ducks
September 17, 2014
7 min to read
Shawn channels his inner Charlie Conway and talks about the lessons D2: The Mighty Ducks can teach us about Magic.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Sidisi, Brew’ed Tyrant
September 3, 2014
6 min to read
Shawn attempts to harness the power of Sidisi, Brood Tyrant in some graveyard centric brews in Standard and Modern.
Ensnaring Cambridge
M15 Draft #3 (Video)
August 27, 2014
1 min to read
Shawn passes Triplicate Spirits and first picks Sliver Hive. Can he amass a winning record with a sliver army? Watch to find out.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Case for Black-White in M15 Limited
August 20, 2014
7 min to read
Shawn examines Black-White Aggro as a potential archetype for M15 Limited.
Ensnaring Cambridge
M15 Draft #2 (Video)
August 13, 2014
1 min to read
Shawn plays through a M15 Swiss queue on MTGO to familiarize himself with the format. Does his prediction of a 2-1 deck hold up?
Ensnaring Cambridge
M15 Draft #1 (Video)
August 6, 2014
1 min to read
Shawn plays through a M15 draft online for the first time with the new client.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Vigor and Bloom at GP Worcester 2014
July 30, 2014
14 min to read
Shawn discusses playing Amulet of Vigor at GP Worcester-Boston and why the deck might be a good metagame choice moving forward.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Harnessing the Amulet
July 23, 2014
5 min to read
Shawn has less than a week to learn how to play Amulet of Vigor in Modern… And also finish building the deck.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Modern Condition
July 16, 2014
10 min to read
Shawn discusses a few “unfair” decks to potentially play at GP Worcester/Boston.