Ensnaring Cambridge
Quietly Contemplating GP Baltimore, Part Two
December 24, 2014
6 min to read
Shawn recounts his day two experience at GP Baltimore. If you like byes, finishing just outside of the money, and Efreet Weaponmaster READ ON.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Quietly Contemplating GP Baltimore, Part One
December 17, 2014
10 min to read
Shawn managed to make day two at GP Baltimore with his ten creature Jeskai sealed deck. Read on to find out how.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Non-Sealed Guide to GP Baltimore
December 10, 2014
5 min to read
Shawn takes a look at the upcoming side events and artists galleries at GP Baltimore.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Legacy Cube #1 (Video)
December 3, 2014
1 min to read
Shawn and his little brother tackle the Legacy Cube on MTGO.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Building a Cruelty-Free Grixis in Modern
November 26, 2014
9 min to read
Shawn rehashes the idea of Grixis Control in Modern and offers a new list.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Revised Sealed at GP New Jersey
November 19, 2014
7 min to read
Shawn coughs up $100 to play a Sealed event featuring packs of Italian Revised. Was it worth it?
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Non-Legacy Guide to GP New Jersey
November 12, 2014
6 min to read
Shawn is planning to travel to GP New Jersey without a sleeved up Legacy deck. What is a mage to do?
Ensnaring Cambridge
10 Magic Cheaters Who Look Like Cats
November 5, 2014
7 min to read
Shawn matches up famous Magic cheaters with their long-lost cat doppelgangers.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Khans of Tarkir Draft (Video)
October 29, 2014
1 min to read
Shawn forces five color in this triple Khans of Tarkir draft on MTGO.
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Heroic
October 15, 2014
8 min to read
Shawn runs a Theros-centric UW Heroic deck through a local Standard tournament. Will he Defiantly Strike out or find favor with the gods? Read on to find out.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Sultai Self-Mill in Khans Limited
October 8, 2014
9 min to read
Shawn shares a Sultai self-mill draft deck and discusses the limited archetype.