Breaking News
No Pioneer Bans are Likely Until After Players Tour Finals Houston
March 9, 2020
2 min to read
Both Dimir Invert and Lotus Breach have sub-50% win rates, while Heliod Ballista is not a very popular deck choice.
Breaking News
Oko, Thief of Crowns, Once Upon a Time, and Veil of Summer Banned in Historic—Field of the Dead’s Suspension Lifted
March 9, 2020
3 min to read
Wizards also banned Golos, Tireless Pilgrim in the singleton Brawl format.
Breaking News
MagicFest Turin Cancelled Due to Coronavirus Fears in Italy
February 28, 2020
1 min to read
Italy currently has 655 confirmed cases of new coronavirus, called covid-19, the third most in the world.
Breaking News
Historic Anthology 2 Will Release March 12 with 25 New Cards for MTG Arena
February 28, 2020
2 min to read
It will cost 4,000 gems or 25,000 gold and will be accompanied by the return of ranked Historic queues.
Breaking News
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben’s Secret Lair Coming on March 12
February 28, 2020
2 min to read
It will feature Thalia with four new pieces of art by Magali Villeneuve and Johannes Voss for $29.99.
Leaving a Legacy
Joe Dyer & This Week in Legacy
February 28, 2020
1 min to read
This week we sit down with Joe Dyer, current writer of the “This Week in Legacy” column at MTG Goldfish!
Breaking News
Wizards Announces Secret Lair Drop for International Women’s Day
February 25, 2020
3 min to read
The drop features five legendary women from Magic’s history, all illustrated by women.
Aaron Gertler Wins the First DreamHack Arena Open
February 23, 2020
4 min to read
He piloted Temur Clover to victory over Mani Davoudi, who played Jeskai Fires, in the Grand Finals.
Jumpstart is a New Sealed/Preconstructed Hybrid Product, Releases July 3, 2020
February 20, 2020
2 min to read
Each 20-card pack will be focused on one of 43 themes, with 121 total pack variations.
Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa Wins World Championship XXVI
February 16, 2020
7 min to read
He piloted UW Control to victory in the Grand Finals over Marcio Carvalho on Jeskai Fires in four matches.
World Championship
World Championship XXVI Day 2 Recap
February 15, 2020
3 min to read
Marcio Carvalho, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa, Gabriel Nassif, and Seth Manfield are all in the hunt to become the next World Champion.