Pat Euglow

Staff Writter


Leaving a Legacy

Mike Noble

Jerry and Patrick sit down with Legacy aficionado Mike Noble

Leaving a Legacy

LaL Open Winner Ross McGee

Ross bested over 100 players with his take on Grixis Delver.

Leaving a Legacy

Cyrus CG Returns

EW 2018 Legacy finalist Cyrus Corman-Gill joins the cast.

Leaving a Legacy

Anthony Laverde

Storm aficionado Anthony Laverde joins the cast.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Leaving a Legacy

Wilson Hunter

Wilson Hunter of The Brainstorm Show joins the cast to talk about the Legacy metagame.

Leaving a Legacy

Legacy Eldrazi Post

Scott of The Booze Cube talks Eldrazi Post.

Leaving a Legacy

Q&A with Bryant Cook

Bryant returns to answer listener questions, talk about the latest Challenge results, and the EW 20k trial.

Leaving a Legacy

Catching Up With Bryant

Jerry and Patrick sit down with Bryant Cook, who’s been on quite the heater!

Leaving a Legacy

Better Late Than Never

Jerry and Patrick break down Jerry’s latest Stiflenought list and answer listener questions.

Leaving a Legacy

SCG Baltimore and Guilds of Ravnica Legacy Review

Jerry and Patrick dive into the SCG Open results and look at some cards from the newest set!

Leaving a Legacy

Legacy Humans with Eddie Z!

Pat and Jerry sit down with Eddie Zamora to talk about two takes on Legacy Humans.