Kristen Gregory

Content Manager


Legion's Landing

Commander: When Cards Don’t Quite Make the Cut Anymore

Make room for hot new cards in your decks by cutting these former Commander staples.

Legion's Landing

Bolstering Boros: Advanced Winota-ing

Take a Chance for Glory with Winota in Commander.

Hipsters Presents

Using Magic: the Gathering to Understand Tarot

Looking for archetypal characters across the Magic multiverse.

Legion's Landing

How the Evolution of Mono White Reflects the State of Commander

It’s time to unleash a Dismantling Wave on your decks.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Legion's Landing

Most Impactful EDH Cards from Core Set 2021

It’s time to get brewing.

Legion's Landing

Budget Blitz: Best Bargains for Core Set 2021

You can still find some good deals on cards to add to your paper Magic collection.

Legion's Landing

Massacre Girl: Mechanically Fun Mono Black Control

Sweeping from the Command Zone for fun and profit!


Farewell to Ikoria: Highlight Reel

Let’s remember the good times.

Legion's Landing

Midrange Markov: Edgar Markov Vampires

For when you want to take some time to play with your food.

Mirror Gallery

Mirror Gallery: Interview with Sanjin Halimic

Meet another artist eager to bring their craft to Magic.

Legion's Landing

Otrimi EDH: Exploring the Potential of Sultai Mutate

Emergent Voltron Evolution.