Hope Eternal
Buyout Blues
April 27, 2018
3 min to read
Kate laments the recent spate of eternal staple buyouts, and she asks again why we still need the reserved list.
Hope Eternal
Magical Marketing
March 30, 2018
3 min to read
Kate reviews Wizards marketing practices.
Hope Eternal
Modern Ban List Votes
March 2, 2018
3 min to read
Kate reports on the results from her survey of what people wanted to see banned or unbanned in Modern.
Hope Eternal
Does Anyone Like the Modern Ban List?
February 9, 2018
2 min to read
Kate asks whether it is time to unban some cards in Modern.
Hope Eternal
MagicGate Continued
January 5, 2018
4 min to read
Kate reviews the events of this week.
Hope Eternal
It Isn’t Over and They Haven’t Stopped
December 8, 2017
3 min to read
Kate reflects on the bans handed down by Wizards of the Coast for harassment, and calls for everyone to remain vigilant in the fight against harassment and bullying in Magic.
Hope Eternal
Please Stop
November 28, 2017
6 min to read
Kate responds to the latest targeted harassment of women in Magic, sharing her brutal experiences.
Hope Eternal
Nic Fit Nightmares
November 10, 2017
4 min to read
Kate returns from Eternal Weekend ready to talk about Nic Fit a.k.a. The Rock a.k.a. Green-Black a.k.a. that one weird Veteran Explorer deck.
Hope Eternal
A New Logo to a New Brand
October 10, 2017
3 min to read
Kate reviews the new Magic: the Gathering logo, and what it means from a marketing perspective.
Hope Eternal
Popeye Stompy
September 29, 2017
4 min to read
Kate reports on the rumored Pirate invasion in Legacy.