It’s Easy Being Green
April 10, 2015
7 min to read
After a week in Europe, Hunter came back to the States itching to play some Dragons of Tarkir. Find out how he did with two green-based MTGO prerelease draft decks.
My First Two Dragons Drafts
March 27, 2015
5 min to read
Hunter crushed his Dragons of Tarkir prerelease last weekend, and then split the difference on two drafts. Find out which deck went 0-3, and which went 3-0!
From the Sideboard
Schvitzing and Schmoozing at GP Cleveland
March 23, 2015
7 min to read
Noted streamer Gabe aka The Doc travels to Cleveland for his first-ever GP, and goes on a sick run after a disappointing start!
No Traction at GP Cleveland
March 20, 2015
8 min to read
Hunter fucked it all up at GP Cleveland last weekend—but he had fun anyway. Here’s his photo essay!
Reinforcing Not Being ROTTY
March 13, 2015
4 min to read
Hunter makes the right play in a Fate Reforged draft, gets punished badly for it—and commits to make the same play next time.
Filling Out My TPF Report
March 6, 2015
5 min to read
Hunter presents his financial tips for drafting old formats, and illustrates how fun it is with a sweet Time Spiral Block draft from last weekend.
Environmental Factors in Magic
February 27, 2015
4 min to read
Hunter reflects on how environment affects his Magic gameplay—and checks in on his GP/PTQ win/loss record to see if he does better at premier events.
Negotiating With Terrorists
February 13, 2015
4 min to read
In which our hero experiences the very baddest of beats during a Fate Reforged draft: those that are self-inflicted.
Too Much Salt
February 6, 2015
3 min to read
Hunter’s been feeling extra salty lately while playing Magic: The Gathering—and he doesn’t like it.
Smashing Face in Fate Reforged Limited
January 30, 2015
8 min to read
Hunter’s been having some good success with smashy draft decks and grindy sealed decks in this young Fate Reforged Limited environment.
+1/+1 Shenanigans at the Fate Reforged Prerelease
January 23, 2015
6 min to read
Hunter rode a strong Abzan deck to a 3-1 record last weekend at the Fate Reforged prerelease.