Eternal Durdles
Metagame Update
April 30, 2018
1 min to read
Zac Nate and Phil look at a the first week of Dominaria being legal, check out a couple of deck innovations and get a quick snapshot of the meta.
Eternal Durdles
Dominaria Legacy Picks
April 23, 2018
1 min to read
Phil, Nate and Zac look at Dominaria now that its out and see what gems they can find.
Eternal Durdles
What the Fudge is a Pillar?
April 17, 2018
1 min to read
Phil, Nate, and Zac talk about “no changes” and “pillars of the format” this week.
Eternal Durdles
Last (Sha)Man Standing
April 9, 2018
1 min to read
Nate, Phil, and Zac discuss the top 8 of GP Seattle, what this means for the health of the format, and answer a series of conundrums related to Deathrite Shaman.
Eternal Durdles
Black to Basics and Other News
April 4, 2018
3 min to read
Phil takes Back to Basics and puts is in a Dimir shell. Zac plays Temur Shift in a Modern 2k. Nate goes full mentor in a Legacy 4k.
Developments in Durdling
When Brewing Goes Right
March 26, 2018
1 min to read
Phil, Nate, and Zac talk about what defines a brew, and when its right to brew.
Eternal Durdles
What if Fetchlands Were Banned?
March 19, 2018
1 min to read
The crew discuss the pros and cons of some of Magic’s most powerful lands.
Eternal Durdles
Discussing Dominaria Leaks
March 12, 2018
1 min to read
Phil, Nate, and Zac take a look at the recent Dominaria leaks and try to find spoils for eternal formats. There are some gems!
Eternal Durdles
Top 32 at SCGWOR/DRS & Legacy
March 9, 2018
2 min to read
Phil places in the top 32 at SCGWOR with Esper Mentor. The Gang gets into a heated debate about DRS’s life expectancy in the format.
Eternal Durdles
Vintage, Masters 25, and SCGWor Prep
March 2, 2018
1 min to read
Phil and Zac face off in Vintage. Nate Looks at Masters picks and talks #SCGWOR.
Eternal Durdles
Hollow Him Wherever He May Go
February 23, 2018
1 min to read
Nate is back, talking Hollow One… IN LEGACY! Phil and Zac go over a recent clash: Pile vs Miracles.