Eternal Durdles
New Early Meta
July 16, 2018
1 min to read
Phil Nate and Zac look at the early meta and See what decks take the lead early on.
Eternal Durdles
Shake It Up
July 9, 2018
2 min to read
Zac and Nate take a look at the new Meta and revel in the diversity of a new format.
Eternal Durdles
I’m with the Banned
July 3, 2018
1 min to read
Nate, Zac and Phil invite Eric Vergo on to navigate a long overdue move by WOTC to remove Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe from Legacy.
Eternal Durdles
M19 Spoilers and BnR Predictions
June 25, 2018
1 min to read
Phil, Nate, and Zac look at M19 and talk about next week’s BnR update.
Eternal Durdles
Stompying or Locking
June 18, 2018
1 min to read
Zac and Phil looks at some recent tourneys and analyze Chalice Decks, when are they Stompy and when are they Prison?
Eternal Durdles
Getting Dark and Stormy with Cyrus Corman-Gill
June 11, 2018
2 min to read
Nate invites Cyrus a known storm grinder on MTGO on. Zac and Phil emerge from the parking deck with questions.
Eternal Durdles
SCG Regionals Prep and SCGCON Speculation
June 4, 2018
1 min to read
Zac and Phil Head off to Regionals, Nate looks at the metagame this week.
Eternal Durdles
Battlebond Reactions
May 28, 2018
1 min to read
Zac and Nate scour Battlebond for desirable legacy offerings.
Eternal Durdles
Phil’s Birmingham Recap & MTG Finance Advice
May 21, 2018
1 min to read
Phil’s Back from England, Zac and Nathan Are getting interested in Premodern, Zac has some MTGFinance tips that he hopes saves you a few bucks.
Eternal Durdles
Predictions for GP Birmingham
May 14, 2018
1 min to read
Spoiler Alert: Zac and Nate made some guesses on thursday about GP Birmingham. How good did they do?
Eternal Durdles
Matthew Hackbert Turbo Depths
May 7, 2018
3 min to read
Phil’s traveling this week. Nate and Zac interview Turbo Depths aficionado Matthew Hackbert. They scour his thoughts on the deck, how to play it, and ways to attack it.