Hope Eternal
The Legacy Meta: 2014 First Quarter Review
March 27, 2014
13 min to read
Tim reviews the Legacy metagame through the first season of 2014 and shares some of the spicier lists to catch his eye.
Hope Eternal
High-Impact MOCS Promos
March 20, 2014
4 min to read
Tim breaks down how upcoming MOCS promos might make it easier for more people to get into the greatest format in the world.
Hope Eternal
YOLO’ing in Richmond *140th*
March 13, 2014
17 min to read
Things got a little loko, but Evil Tim was able to navigate his way through the Modern format!
Hope Eternal
Modern Times: The Road to Richmond
March 8, 2014
4 min to read
This is, in fact, literally the road to Richmond. Because look, I’m on the road, and we’re going to a […]
Hope Eternal
BUG Problems?
February 27, 2014
7 min to read
Tim has a sweet new control brew in Legacy… and there are no Angels being Entreated, anywhere!
Hope Eternal
The Five Stages of MTGO Grief
February 20, 2014
10 min to read
Wizards of the Coast doesn’t value their customers’ time, and Tim is pissed off about it!
Hope Eternal
A Little of This and a Little of That
February 13, 2014
5 min to read
Tim has some assorted MODO Legacy videos that are loaded with sick plays, awful punts, epic topdecks, and commentary!
Hope Eternal
Born of the Gods Eternal Review
February 6, 2014
4 min to read
Finding Eternal-playable cards in Born of the Gods may feel like dumpster diving, but Tim points out a few gems.
Hope Eternal
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
January 30, 2014
11 min to read
Evil Tim has a new Legacy brew for you! It’s pretty evil…
Hope Eternal
True-Meta Analysis
January 23, 2014
6 min to read
Tim does another metagame analysis, this time with a focus on the post-True-Name world.
Hope Eternal
Legacy Expectations for Born of the Gods
January 16, 2014
7 min to read
A new set is upon us. Can we expect many goodies for Legacy?