Hope Eternal
Fate Reforged Eternal Review
February 5, 2015
10 min to read
Fate Reforged has been out for nearly two weeks, now, and Tim thinks more than a few of these cards will find a home in Eternal play!
Hope Eternal
The Legacy Meta: 2014 Fourth Quarter Review
January 16, 2015
17 min to read
How’d each of the various Legacy archetypes do, compared to last quarter? Tim has the numbers for you, along with some of the spicier lists to put up a top-16.
Hope Eternal
2014 Personal Year In Review
December 31, 2014
6 min to read
Tim checks in on how he did with his Magic-related resolutions from last year, and puts forth a couple new ones for ’15.
Hope Eternal
Coming To Terms With The SCG Changes
December 25, 2014
9 min to read
There are some major changes to SCG’s Open Series. What does it mean for Legacy?
Hope Eternal
Another GP, Another Dolla’
November 20, 2014
8 min to read
Tim adds to his career tournament winnings, somewhat miraculously. Part 1 of 2 of his GPNJ experience
Hope Eternal
The Road To Grand Prix New Jersey: Part II
November 11, 2014
4 min to read
In Part II of his survival guide for Grand Prix New Jersey, Tim lays out the post-Khans Legacy metagame data.
Hope Eternal
The Road To Grand Prix New Jersey: Part I
November 10, 2014
16 min to read
Tim will guide you through Legacy all week, leading up to Grand Prix NJ! Up first is a “cheat sheet” for some of the popular control and combo archetypes
Hope Eternal
Learning To Love Combo In The City Of Brotherly Love
November 6, 2014
9 min to read
Tim calls an audible and takes a break from the fair decks at Eternal Weekend.
Hope Eternal
Legacy in the Post-Delve World
October 16, 2014
19 min to read
Tim gives you a tour of the new archetypes to emerge in the early stages of one of the biggest Legacy shifts ever
Hope Eternal
Why I’m Bullish On MODO Eternal
October 2, 2014
7 min to read
Tim is going to tell you why we’re about to see UNPRECEDENTED growth in Eternal Formats, online.