Grinding It Out
Map of Every “Dewey” PTQ
August 27, 2014
2 min to read
This week we are happy to present a map of every PTQ for Pro Tour “Dewey”
What We Learned
From the Vault: Annihilation
August 18, 2014
6 min to read
Wizards latest From the Vault set has been fully revealed and the contents are a bit lackluster.
What We Learned
Paths to the Pro Tour
August 11, 2014
13 min to read
This week we take a look at the various paths one can take to qualify for the Pro Tour
What We Learned
Pro Tour Magic 2015
August 4, 2014
8 min to read
The big news coming out of Pro Tour M15 was the release of the 2015 competitive schedule. We break down everything you need to know.
Modern Hero
Grand Prix Report
August 1, 2014
14 min to read
In the final installment of Modern Hero we recap our experience taking the modified modern event deck to Grand Prix Boston-Worcester.
What We Learned
San Diego Comic Con
July 28, 2014
6 min to read
This week we break down all of the Magic information from San Diego Comic Con, including Khans, From the Vault, and Commander 2014.
Modern Hero
GP Boston Prep
July 25, 2014
17 min to read
This week Modern Hero gets prepped for Grand Prix Boston by analyzing key matchups and making some final changes to the deck
What We Learned
2014 Pro Tour Hall of Fame
July 21, 2014
8 min to read
This week we take a look at the candidates and the voting for the 2014 class of the MTG Pro Tour Hall of Fame
Modern Hero
Week Eight
July 18, 2014
11 min to read
We play our final week of Modern Hero at our LGS and spend it swimming with the sharks… er Merfolk-type sharks that is!
What We Learned
Magic 2015 Prerelease
July 14, 2014
6 min to read
This weekend we took a brief detour from family vacation to hit up a Magic 2015 midnight prerelease.
Modern Hero
Week Seven
July 11, 2014
11 min to read
This week on Modern Hero we try to finish strong and learn a few lessons about checking our deck before presenting it to our opponent.