Rich Stein

Chief Hipster


What We Learned

Five Dates to Circle on the 2018 MTG Calendar

We kick off the new year by highlighting a handful of events we’re super excited for on the 2018 Magic calendar!

What We Learned

Top Five Stories in the Magic Community in 2017

It’s remarkable to me that 2017 will be over in just a couple of weeks. This year has both been […]

What We Learned

Could There Have Been an Unstable Grand Prix?

Two Modern Grand Prix were held this weekend but Unstable was the talk of the town. Should it have been the featured format for a Grand Prix as well?

Counting to 20

20 Black Spells that Cost Exactly One Black Mana that Changed Magic Forever

Can you predict what black spells are on the list? Will you believe we included number 11? Will you be offended by number 1? Click and find out!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

What We Learned

The Many Layers of Travis Woo and Magic for Bad

On Friday, team MetaGame Gurus parted ways with Travis Woo. At the time this decision sat uneasily with me—not because […]

Hipsters Presents

Sources: Social Justice Wizards to Ban All Trolls from Modern Ahead of Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan

In a shocking move, SJWs announced that Trolls are no longer welcome in Modern Magic.

What We Learned

Grand Prix Lyon and Locking Down Invitations to the Pro Tour

We catch up on all the action from Grand Prix Lyon and check in on the members of the Pro Tour Team Series heading into Magic World Cup weekend

What We Learned

Thoughts on Spike, Tournament Grinder

Spike, Tournament Grinder will finally be printed in Unstable completing the psychographic cycle that began in Unglued. But not everyone’s a fan…

What We Learned

Pro Players Should Grow Thicker Skin

Should Pro Players be called out for punting games on Sunday of the Pro Tour? Or should the fans cut them slack because it’s hard to get that far?

What We Learned

Biggest Team Surprises and Disappointments from Pro Tour Ixalan

We take a look at the biggest surprises, biggest disappointments, and biggest questions from the Pro Tour Ixalan Team Series competition.

2017-18 Pro Tour Team Series

2017-18 Pro Tour Team Series Preview

Get ready for Pro Tour Ixalan with our complete 2017-18 Pro Tour Team Series preview! Every team! Every player! Who’s going to win it all?