Stay Here (on Theros) as Long as You Can!
January 24, 2014
4 min to read
Hunter cherishes the current Limited format by drafting two archetypes he’s less familiar with: GW Heroic and UR Scry.
I For One Welcome Our New No-Bye Overlords!
January 17, 2014
4 min to read
Hunter gets bummed when he realizes he has no byes for GP Montreal—or is he?
Scars of Scars of Mirrodin
January 10, 2014
6 min to read
Hunter runs it back on the first Limited format he ever played competitively.
Équipe Avant-Projet Fantaisie
January 3, 2014
7 min to read
(That means “Team Draft Extravaganza” in French.)
Holiday Cube Draft Follies
December 27, 2013
28 min to read
Where did it all go wrong? Pick by pick, Hunter walks you through a recent ill-fated Magic Online Holiday Cube draft.
Top Holiday Gifts for the Limited Player
December 20, 2013
6 min to read
Limited players, the Zen monks of the Magic world, are hard to shop for. Hunter has some tips.
Hipsters’ Party & Meet CastHaven!
December 13, 2013
10 min to read
This past Saturday Hipsters of the Coast celebrated its one-year anniverary! Also, an intro to Hipsters’ new sponsor.
My 0-3 Drop Face
November 29, 2013
7 min to read
This is what I look like when I 0-3 drop from the last sealed PTQ of the season.
My Theros Bucket List
November 22, 2013
6 min to read
Here’s my top 10 list of cool or dumb stuff I still want to do in Limited before Born of the Gods drops.
Home Sick
November 15, 2013
7 min to read
Laid low by a cold, Hunter crushes some Magic Online—sort of—and learns about the importance of staying open.
Any Given Sunday
November 8, 2013
11 min to read
Turns out Hunter’s not as rusty as he thought, as a strong showing at last weekend’s sealed Theros Philly PTQ proved.