A Christopher Rush hand-painted alter, featuring a Black Lotus on an Unglued Plains, is set to be sold as the signature charity auction item at the upcoming LotusCon 2023. The event is hosted by Monarch Media, and will include a cEDH event, Creator’s Corner, and Artist Alley alongside other side events and vendors.
According to the event website, the auction is taking place in partnership with @thisisaltered, and 100% of the proceeds of the sale will go to nami.org, The National Alliance on Mental Illness.

An Unglued Plains altered by the late Christopher Rush
Pre-bidding for the piece has already begun on WhatNot, and at the time of writing the current bid for the card was $255 with just over 30 days to go. According to the WhatNot listing, the sale will take place on Saturday, October 6th at 8 PM EST live on WhatNot.
The last public sale record for a similar card is $10,625 at Heritage Auction, sold earlier this year in March 2023.
LotusCon 2023 will take place on October 7 and 8, 2023 at the Belle Clair Fairgrounds in Belleville, IL. More information can be found on their website.