Sam interviews Gavin Verhey about his philosophy designing Magic and his adventures traveling around the world.
You can find Kitchen Table Magic wherever you get your podcasts.
Let’s welcome Senior Magic Designer for Wizards of the Coast, Gavin Verhey to the show.
Gavin has been making Magic for over 7 years and is the one to carry the creative torch into the future.
Gavin has a background in creative writing, and he loves to bring new ideas to the Magic multiverse.
He’s worked on so many modern era Magic sets and is bringing new mechanics to the game with Commander and multiplayer centric sets such as Conspiracy and Battlebond.
Gavin’s passion for Magic is only enhanced by his open mindedness. He loves to travel and see the world.
Gavin’s attitude on life and discovering new things is an inspiring message that I’m eager to share.
I hope you enjoy my interview with Gavin Verhey.
I want to thank everyone who’s listen to, shared, and supported Kitchen Table Magic throughout the years.
I want to thank our sponsors, who have been so kind to me and the show, Brian of Paragon City Games, and Terra of Card Kingdom. I’ve always been so grateful for the unwavering support from both of these companies. They embody what all retailers in the Magic community should be.
I want to thank the guests on Season 4: Aaron Forsythe, Meghan and Maria of Good Luck High Five, Reuben Bresler, Ashlen Rose, Matt Sperling, Seth Manfield, Andrew Magrini, Ian Dixon, David Williams and Gavin Verhey.
I also want to thank all of my wonderful guests from all of our past seasons who generously shared their lives with us on the podcast.
There have been so many wonderful stories shared in my past episodes, so if you haven’t listened to them, they’re all archived on and
I want to thank all of my Patreon supports. Your generous support helped to pay for the audio equipment, editing software, web hosting, and postage for all the signed cards I sent out.
I want to thank the Magic community at large for your kindness and friendship. Thank you for having me, and thank you for listening to the stories I produced.
I want to thank Wizards of the Coast for helping me set up interviews with all of the WotC staff over the years.
I’ll be working on a new project and traveling the world. I’ll be continuing to tell stories around the world with my camera, this time with photos and videos.
You can stay in touch with me on Twitter @samotango, where I will announce my new project soon.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned after interviewing four seasons worth of the Magic community, it’s that this game is nothing without its people. The Magic community is so vast and so diverse, that you could spend the rest of your life talking about it and still not know everything there is to know about Magic.
I hope this show has inspired you, to try playing new formats, to meet more people, or to start your own podcast. Whatever it may be, I hope you know, that you matter, and after listening to the stories of everyone I interviewed, you see how much people can truly inspire each other.
I’m your host, Sam Tang, and thank you for listening to Kitchen Table Magic.
You can say hi to Gavin on Twitter @GavinVerhey
Read up on the time Gavin fell down a volcano
Gavin a food blog called, it’s a wonderful guide for where to grab a bite in Seattle.
Music Credits (in order of appearance):
Our theme song is Play the Game by Antracto (Yes I bought the rights, if you’re curious)
Patreon music:
Road Trip by Joakim Karud
Card Kingdom ad music:
Someways by Nicolai Heidlas
Paragon City Games ad music:
Clouds by Joakim Karud
Preview Clip:
Wild Things by YEYEY
I’ve got a new YouTube Channel called Play MTG
Woo! And if you like the Kitchen Table Magic podcast by Sam Tang, you’re gonna love the new YouTube channel Play MTG by Sam Tang!
It’s an upbeat, fast paced new YouTube Channel featuring deck techs from Pros, learn to play tutorials, expert difficulty level up advice, single card discussion, MTG community news, and more.
I’ve only got a few videos uploaded right now about my vlog from Hascon. So if you wanna see what I look like, go check me out on Twitter and Facebook. It’s on YouTube at
Follow the new show on Twitter @play_mtg
It’s on
I’m looking forward to creating content in video!
Thanks everyone for listening to this episode of Kitchen Table Magic.
A big thank you again to all my Patreon Supporters, your support of Kitchen Table Magic allows me to share stories about the amazing people in the Magic: The Gathering community with the world.
I would like to thank all my Patreon Supporters:
Brian, Markus, James L, Alex, Trevor, Katelyn, Neil, Aaron C, Cory, Chad, Logan S, Nick, Eternal Durdles, Matthias, Geraint, Scryfall, Matt, Iain, Karl, David, and Matthew, Chris, and Jonathan for your generous contribution!
Your support of Kitchen Table Magic allows me to share stories about the amazing people in the Magic: The Gathering community with the world.
Listeners, if you’d like to get special gifts like these from my guests, become a supporter at
Your financial contribution goes to making the show better and keeping it running by helping to pay for audio equipment, software, and server costs.
If you’re a new listener to the show: Welcome! and I hope you’ve had a chance to listen to the past interviews in Seasons 1, 2 and 3!
Over the past year I am grateful that so many listeners have found the show, and I will continue to make content that high quality and meaningful for the community.
Your financial contribution goes to making the show better and keeping it running by helping to pay for audio equipment, software, and server costs.
Now that I’ve partnered with Card Kingdom, there’s a new way to support the show. When you shop at Card Kingdom, just my affiliate link:
Be sure to follow the Kitchen Table Magic on Twitter @KTMpodcast
Like the show on
Subscribe to the show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio, Hipsters of the Coast, and
Remember, if you are enjoying the show, please be sure to share KTM with a friend!
Kitchen Table Magic is sponsored by Card Kingdom
In my experiences ordering things online, I always hope everything goes well, like will I get my package quickly?, and my order is correct?
With so many business interactions digitized and becoming less personal, we care more about receiving great customer service.
And you’re probably wondering how do I find an online store that embodies all the qualities we’re looking for these days?
I decided to look at what people were saying online about Card Kingdom.
Lost Jedi 2003 says: @Card_Kingdom hey I just got my orders! Love love the speed and efficiency from you guys! Thank you very much!
Twitter user Gold Convoy got a robot soldier token hand drawn and included in their order.
@GoldConvoy: Huge thank you to @Card_Kingdom for the custom token! Asked for a mechanical/robotic soldier token, and it’s beyond what I could have imagined.
Kitoshi got a fully colored rainbow chameleon token.
Brockbro says: Thank you @Card_Kingdom Ordered Fri. Received Mon. Fast shipping is no lie! Love the pull-tab tape job on the case (39 cards).
Rich Beranek says: @commandcast You were right, @Card_Kingdom ships fast! Wasn’t expecting to have this for another week or two. Also, no one mentioned the awesome care they take in packaging the cards!
Even professional football player Cassius Marsh gets his hard to find foils from Card Kingdom.
So it seems that the people have spoken.
From fast shipping logistics, to great customer service, card selection, and also the care their fulfillment team takes when packaging each order, Card Kingdom goes above and beyond.
I even purchase my Patreon supporter gifts from Card Kingdom.
So if you’re looking to purchase Magic The Gathering singles and sealed products online, Card Kingdom has been trusted by Magic players around the world.
And if you’d like to show them you heard about them on Kitchen Table Magic, use our affiliate link: when you shop.
This episode of Kitchen Table Magic is sponsored by Paragon City Games.
I’ve been talking about Paragon City Games for some time now. And recently I’ve been invited to film three vlogs at their game store for their Heroes League Invitational Series.
It’s a local tournament held at Paragon City Games each month, where the winners of each tournament compete at a year end Invitational.
The player community there is wonderful, competitive, and fun.
They have friendly staff that greet every single person that walks through the store.
The store itself is huge, open, clean, bright, airy, with beverages, snacks, clean restrooms, a fully loaded feature match area, a high tech streaming setup.
The entire store is filled with huge open tables enough to fit over 100 players. I played in an FNM there where 4 different formats were going at the same time.
They also have a huge selection of board games, Magic singles, supplies, hand crafted wooden deck boxes and artisanal Die Hard Metal dice.
I’ve been to a lot of game stores in my life, and never before have I had a favorite LGS that’s away from my hometown.
And if you want to see the vlogs I made for Paragon City Games, just go to and click on videos.
I made three vlogs, one each for their Standard, Modern, and Legacy events.
Paragon City Games also has a commitment to Legacy, and they’re streaming Legacy daily at
If you’re ever in Draper Utah, go check them out.
And if you love Legacy, watch their Twitch stream, again, at
They’re a wonderful group of people and I’m so grateful to have them as friends.

Hipsters of the Coast
Hey everyone! Great news! Kitchen Table Magic is now on Hipsters of the Coast!
They’re the mages with the curly beards and the vegan potion options!
Hipsters of the Coast is the premier news and strategy blog for the Magic: The Gathering Community.
And Kitchen Table Magic is honored to be joining their lineup. If you’re listening to me right now from Hipsters of the Coast, I’m pleased to meet you.
If you’re new to the HotC blog, head on over to to get strategy and content for all your favorite formats.