Wizards of the Coast has announced that Fantasy and Sci-Fi author Martha Wells will be the head writer for the story of Magic’s upcoming set Dominaria.
In an interview with io9, Wells, revealed that the story of Dominaria takes place right after Hour of Devastation, with Gideon and Liliana on a mission to kill Liliana’s final demon, Belzenlok, in order to free her from her contract. Dominaria has been recovering from the Phyrexian invasion but is facing a new threat from the rebirth of the Cabal, of which Belzenlok just so happens to be the leader. Wells also said that Jhoira, Teferi, and Karn will also play roles in story.
Martha Wells is the author All Systems Red, the first book of her new Murderbot Diaries series, which has been nominated for the 2018 Phillip K. Dick Award. She also wrote the Books of Raksura
series as well as the Star Wars novel, Razor’s Edge
. Her position as Head writer for the story of Dominaria means that she is writing the serialized Magic Story articles that appear on Wizards website.
Dominaria officially releases on April 27th, 2018, while the Magic Story will likely begin a few weeks earlier.
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Read io9’s interview with Martha Wells here.
Listen to Wizards of the Coast’s interview with Martha Wells here.
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