This week I began prepping for Eternal Weekend—booking hotel rooms, making travel arrangements, and all the other fun stuff.  It’s time to start finalizing my decks and grinding to get ready for one of the best weekends for Eternal players there is. I’ve decided I’ll be playing both Vintage and Legacy so I’ve got twice the prep work to do, though my main focus is going to be Legacy.

For Legacy I’ve decided that I’m going to spend the next several weeks grinding Mudpost. Some recently-printed artifacts make the deck much strong, such as [casthaven]Mirage Mirror[/casthaven] and [casthaven]Sorcerous Spyglass[/casthaven]. The main reason I want to play Mudpost right now though is because it’s a deck I know. Plus, it’s a deck that is underloved so it will be a great feature for this column. I’ve written about Mudpost in a couple articles for Hope Eternal, but Mudpost is still fairly mysterious to most players and that this deck could use a good feature in a long-term column.

For Vintage I plan on playing Dredge. It’s a deck I don’t have a ton of experience with, but I have played it a handful of times. I can borrow [casthaven]Bazaar of Baghdad[/casthaven] and I own the rest, so I thought how could I turn it down? Dredge is a deck that I have a lot of love for, even though most people only have a lot of hate for it. I’m lucky that where I live there are monthly Vintage tournaments, and I have enough local friends who play Vintage that I’ll be able to get some practice. The hardest part of my Vintage prep will be learning all the different Vintage decks. That’s not something I have much experience with, but it will be a good learning experience.

Next week I’ll be doing a deck breakdown of what I’ll be playing in Legacy and how the first week of testing went. After such a fantastic week at Hascon I can’t wait to go to Eternal Weekend and see a lot of my new friends, as well as finally meet some old ones in person finally.  Hit me up on Twitter and let me know your Eternal Weekend plans.  

Kate hails from Worcester MA and also does a bit of Card Altering. Check her Stuff out on Facebook! She mainly plays legacy and modern though will occasionally find herself playing EDH.

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