Welcome back to Modern Hero, the column where I take a budget list and slowly tweak it over time, spending $20 a week on new additions, and record the results in MTGO Leagues. If you aren’t up to date, feel free to hit the archives—
Deciding on a Deck
GB Elves Week One
GB Elves Week Two
GB Elves Week Three
GB Elves Week Four
GB Elves Week Five
GB Elves Week Six
GB Elves Week Seven
GB Elves Week Eight
This week I went way over budget, purchasing two [casthaven]Razorverge Thicket[/casthaven]s, one [casthaven]Rest in Peace[/casthaven], one [casthaven]Kitchen Finks[/casthaven], a [casthaven]Yixlid Jailer[/casthaven], and an [casthaven]Eidolon of Rhetoric[/casthaven] for a grand total of $34.04 after shipping on TCGplayer. On the bright side, we finally completed our white splash and have access to much better sideboarding options now.
Here is the most recent list:
MH Elves Week Nine
In terms of Magic, Shawn Massak is a Modern enthusiast, with a penchant for tier two decks, counterspells, and pre Eighth Edition frames. In terms of life, Shawn lives in Brighton, MA where he works as an employment director for people with disabilities, plays guitar in an indie-pop band, and spends his free time reading comics, cursing capitalism, complaining about pro-wrestling, and wishing his apartment allowed dogs as pets.