We’re five weeks in, just about halfway through our second installment of Modern Hero. As you know, we’re playing Gb Elves and have spent nearly $100 on improvements to the deck. Here are this weeks changes:


+2 [casthaven]Fatal Push[/casthaven]
-2 [casthaven]Evolutionary Leap[/casthaven]

The two Fatal Pushes put us back $19.98 (or 11.72 MTGO Tix).

I’ve been noticing a lot of Elves decks with [casthaven]Fatal Push[/casthaven] in the sideboard as it offers up some additional disruption that is relevant in a ton of matches. [casthaven]Evolutionary Leap[/casthaven] on the other hand we only wanted in grindy match-ups like Jund, Abzan, and potentially blue based control strategies. Having said that, I never really wanted to bring it in as it’s mana intensive, still gets hit by [casthaven]Abrupt Decay[/casthaven], and mostly is worse than [casthaven]Lead the Stampede[/casthaven] in these match-ups.

Here is the most recent list:

MH Elves Week Three

Creatures (35)
Dwynen's Elite
Elvish Archdruid
Elvish Mystic
Elvish Visionary
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
Heritage Druid
Llanowar Elves
Nettle Sentinel
Reclamation Sage
Shaman of the Pack

Spells (7)
Chord of Calling
Collected Company
Lands (18)
Blooming Marsh
Llanowar Wastes
Overgrown Tomb
Windswept Heath

Sideboard (15)
Essence Warden
Fatal Push
Fracturing Gust
Lead the Stampede
Reclamation Sage
Scavenging Ooze
Stain the Mind

And here are the videos:

In terms of Magic, Shawn Massak is a Modern enthusiast, with a penchant for tier two decks, counterspells, and pre Eighth Edition frames. In terms of life, Shawn lives in Brighton, MA where he works as an employment coordinator for people with disabilities, plays guitar in an indie-pop band, and spends his free time reading comics, complaining about pro-wrestling, and wishing his apartment allowed dogs as pets.

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