Grand Prix Las Vegas is only three weeks away!! I can’t believe that we are three weeks away already. Where has the time gone? I started this project right at the beginning of the year and we’re already halfway through. I haven’t written in a couple weeks because the week before Vegas is my wedding and I’ve had a lot on my plate, so I apologize. I am back though and ready to rumble!
As I wrote a month ago I was saving May and June’s budgets to spend together after the metagame settled down. I’m glad I did! Between cards I would be able to trade out and the cash I had on hand I was able to make some major updates to the list and you’ll see my final iteration below!
Death and Taxes
Without a doubt the largest change is the addition of two [casthaven]Chrome Mox[/casthaven] (which I cut a [casthaven]Serra Avenger[/casthaven] and a Plains for) to help speed the deck up. Without Miracles this metagame has gotten ridiculously fast. A lot of what would normally be turn two plays really need to happen on turn one. [casthaven]Chrome Mox[/casthaven] allows me to get turn one Thalia, Canonist, etc which makes a really big difference against a lot of decks you’ll face these days.
You will also notice my favorite piece of spice is gone. I was forced to cut Akroma, but it was to make room for the [casthaven]Sword of Fire and Ice[/casthaven] so I feel like that is okay. With all the Delver running around SOFI is too good to not splurge on.
You’ll notice a huge change to the creature package—I cut all of the [casthaven]Leonin Arbiter[/casthaven]s. With so many greedy decks right now, four [casthaven]Ghost Quarter[/casthaven]s are practically [casthaven]Strip Mine[/casthaven]s so I am not as worried about having Arbiter available. I took that space and put in two [casthaven]Recruiter of the Guard[/casthaven] plus an extra [casthaven]Stoneforge Mystic[/casthaven] and [casthaven]Phyrexian Revoker[/casthaven]. This not only brings the list to a much more traditional build but also helps make it more resilient in the currently metagame dominated by Delver and Storm.
The last changes I’ve made are to the sideboard. I cut [casthaven]Meekstone[/casthaven] for [casthaven]Council’s Judgment[/casthaven], which is an exciting change. I also swapped out one [casthaven]Faerie Macabre[/casthaven] for [casthaven]Surgical Extraction[/casthaven] to help improve some of our tougher graveyard matchups. Finally, two of the three copies of [casthaven]Eidolon of Rhetoric[/casthaven] are now [casthaven]Ethersworn Canonist[/casthaven] which shuts down more decks and I can also cast Ethersworn turn one with [casthaven]Chrome Mox[/casthaven].
Overall I’m really happy with where the deck is ending up. It really helps show how easy and affordable it can be to build a real Legacy deck. Now I just have to survive the next three weeks with a deck I’m a poor pilot for! Come watch me stream my final stretch to Vegas.
Kate hails from Worcester MA and also does a bit of Card Altering. Check her Stuff out on Facebook! She mainly plays legacy and modern though will occasionally find herself playing EDH.