Years ago, Grand Prix offered PTQs on Sunday for competitors who did not advance to day two of the main event. When those PTQs were discontinued, tournament organizers replaced them with a new type of qualifier: the Super Sunday Series. The winner of each GP’s big Sunday event earned an invite to a special tournament at Wizards of the Coast headquarters in January. These invitationals were small, fun, and fairly lucrative. Two of my friends, Shawn Sloan and Matt Ferrando, have played in them before. Another, past Hipsters writer Hugh Kramer, will play in the final Super Sunday Series Final next month. Your last chance to qualify for that event comes this weekend at Grand Prix Milwaukee.

I took a shot last weekend at Grand Prix Denver. My main event was up and down, ending in down, leaving me free to play sealed on Sunday. Despite traveling to many Grand Prix over the last few years, I have rarely played in the Super Series. The problem is that the tournament is too large and takes too long. Most tournaments are eight or nine rounds, plus top eight. The Swiss ends after the main event Swiss. If you book a flight home on Sunday night, you most likely can’t stick around to finish the Swiss. You obviously can’t win the whole thing, which usually drags on until 11:00pm. Unless you are traveling on Monday, or live in the area, it is not worth the effort of devoting your entire Sunday to a tournament you can’t finish. Because I live fifteen minutes from the GP site, I was able to play it out.

We are approaching the end of the Kaladesh Limited season, but there’s still Grand Prix Milwaukee this weekend. I’ll be competing there, so I was happy to get some high level reps of Kaladesh sealed. The pool I opened was shockingly mediocre, with a solid collection of commons and uncommons in each color but not much power. I would have been bummed about this, except for one card in the ool that I’ve never had the chance to play with: Fumigate. Throw in a Restoration Gearsmith, and I was able to focus my deckbuilding despite the pool’s lack of obvious direction.

The deck I built looks nothing like a normal Kaladesh sealed deck. I certainly haven’t played anything like it this season, but it’s exactly the kind of deck I love to play. It felt underpowered for Kaladesh sealed, but I was interested to find out.

Fum Fum Fumigate

Creatures (15)
Dhund Operative
Eager Construct
Aviary Mechanic
Eddytrail Hawk
Foundry Screecher
Filigree Familiar
Lawless Broker
Prakhata Pillar-Bug
Restoration Gearsmith
Prakhata Club Security
Skyswirl Harrier
Bastion Mastodon
Dukhara Scavenger

Spells (7)
Tidy Conclusion
Revoke Privileges
Welding Sparks
Live Fast
Lands (18)
Inventors’ Fair

Sideboard (21)
Skyswirl Harrier
Ninth Bridge Patrol
Narnam Cobra
Authority of the Consuls
Aradara Express
Ballista Charger
Mind Rot
Furious Reprisal
Animation Module
Fabrication Module
Inventor’s Goggles
Cogworker’s Puzzleknot
Padeem, Consul of Innovation
Era of Innovation
Glimmer of Genius
Voltaic Brawler
Engineered Might
Take Down
Lathnu Hellion

So yeah, the creature suite is pretty mediocre, but [casthaven]Fumigate[/casthaven] and some removal can go a long way. The recursion from [casthaven]Restoration Gearsmith[/casthaven] and [casthaven]Dukhara Scavenger[/casthaven] give me a long game, and the two [casthaven]Live Fast[/casthaven] dig to [casthaven]Fumigate[/casthaven], which recovers the lost life. That’s a solid gameplan in sealed, although not as great in Kaladesh because of vehicles.

[casthaven]Filigree Familiar[/casthaven] was fantastic. I love this card and think it is very underrated in both Limited and Constructed. It’s not quite as powerful as [casthaven]Solemn Simulacrum[/casthaven], but it is a mana cheaper! I’ve seen it in a few Standard sideboards, but I expect it to keep gaining popularity. You can draw it off [casthaven]Glint-Nest Crane[/casthaven], another underrated Standard card. And it happens to be an amazing creature to play a few turns before you [casthaven]Fumigate[/casthaven] the board.

I threw in [casthaven]Inventors’ Fair[/casthaven] as an eighteenth land because my curve was so high, even though you usually don’t want so many lands in this format. It should have been a third Mountain most likely, as I didn’t have enough artifacts to ever expect to get value from the land. I did have one nice rare that would have been better to put in the main deck: [casthaven]Authority of the Consuls[/casthaven]. It’s great against vehicles (because creatures can’t crew the turn they hit the board) and exactly what you want to play a few turns before [casthaven]Fumigate[/casthaven]. I sided it in often, and it was always good. I’m not sure it’s worth main decking all the time, but in a control deck with sweepers, it does a lot of work.

[casthaven]Mind Rot[/casthaven] is another card that struggles to find a home in Kaladesh. Whenever I cast [casthaven]Fumigate[/casthaven] in game one, though, I would side the discard spell in. If someone knows you have a sweeper, they’ll hold more cards in hand that they could cast. I also like [casthaven]Mind Rot[/casthaven] against decks with [casthaven]Cloudblazer[/casthaven], [casthaven]Padeem[/casthaven], and [casthaven]Midnight Oil[/casthaven] (which gives you an added life loss bonus). Don’t forget about it when you sideboard.

I ended up going 5-3 and finished in 26th place with strong tiebreakers. It was nice to cash the tournament when I could wait until the end and drive home comfortably. I felt like I could have made the top eight with better luck, but I had a lot of fun matches and enjoyed the challenging sealed format. I can’t wait to give it one last go this weekend in Milwaukee.

I’m interested to see what replaces the Super Sunday Series. It was an awkward tournament, but I think it is important to offer a high leel side event for Grand Prix players who don’t qualify for Sunday action. Maybe they can offer PPTQs, perhaps two or three each capped at 64 players to keep them from going too late. I might enjoy playing in some of those. Farewell, Super Sunday Series. I hope that you are not missed.

Carrie O’Hara is Editor-in-Chief of Hipsters of the Coast.

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