“No changes” read the Banned and Restricted update this week. No explanations why, just a simple “no changes.” I immediately tweeted a very toned down version of what I was thinking: “Won’t lie I’m super unhappy about no changes to legacy” and then shortly re-tweeted Erin Campbell’s genius response to Wizards’ tweet about the B&R of “#Shade.”
If Wizards isn’t going to a ban [casthaven]Counterbalance[/casthaven] then they should considering unbanning something to bring some balance to the format. For example, un-banning [casthaven]Survival of the Fittest[/casthaven] would be a great way to make creature decks more resilent against Miracles and cards like [casthaven]Terminus[/casthaven]. For the same reason they would be able to unban [casthaven]Oath of Druids[/casthaven]. Yes both decks were very powerful and strong but we had far less enchantment removal then (now we have things like K-Grip,Wear/Tear, etc) and with Eldrazi running around a couple [casthaven]Vengevine[/casthaven]s on turn three isn’t really all that powerful anymore.
None of these things are more powerful than Miracles and aren’t that really crazy for Legacy anymore. More importantly why is [casthaven]Mind Twist[/casthaven] banned while [casthaven]Counterbalance[/casthaven] isn’t? [casthaven]Mind Twist[/casthaven] sucks when we have access to cards like [casthaven]Hymn to Tourach[/casthaven], [casthaven]Thoughtseize[/casthaven], and [casthaven]Inquisition of Kozilek[/casthaven].