Dusting off the old keyboard here for a new installment of the “Blur of …” series in which I take all the cards of a given set, layer them on top of one another, make them equally and proportionally transparent, and collapse them and they always look sweet. So, without further delay, here they are:
All of the colors
Look at their majesty!
Colorless and Gold
The gold blur is my favorite blur.
Artifacts and Lands
There aren’t too many artifacts and there are even fewer lands. Smaller sample sizes lead to less compelling abstractions.
All of them
Yaaaaaaaaaas! What an amazing ride it’s been on the good train “let’s look at something in a new way!” Thanks for taking the trip with me, fellow humans!
Matt Jones hasn’t played Magic in a while and is currently selling all his cards (he has an Unlimited Black Lotus if you’re interested, it’s in good condition too!). He spends most of his time making art, playing basketball, and reading. Check out his art at www.mattjonesrules.com