[casthaven]Splinter Twin[/casthaven] down! [casthaven]Summer Bloom[/casthaven] down! I can’t say I’m happy to see Splinter Twin go, but I get it. It’s a crutch in the format. If you own four [casthaven]Scalding Tarn[/casthaven] and weren’t playing Twin, well you were likely not playing the correct deck in Modern. Bloom is dumb I get it, but I don’t really care that much, it was a small enough part of the meta and not exactly a deck you could just pick up and win with on your first try, so I really don’t care that much about its loss.

What does this mean for the meta now?

Modern is an innovator’s format right now. Twin made control decks nervous, and aggro decks often had trouble racing. Combo decks just didn’t have enough interaction to deal. All those decks get a leg up now. Imagine the meta before KTK—let me rephrase that. What did the meta look like before “Cruise Winter”?


Twin (UR, Grixis, RUG)

UWR Control

Tron (RG and U)







Ad Nauseam



Blue Moon

Of those decks we have still viable only a few of those archtypes.

UWR Control (largely absent)

Affinity (gaining ground)

Burn (always on the fringes waiting to pounce)

Rock (Still a deck, JUNK and JUND)

Infect (out there but not super present)

Delver (extinct as players moved to Twin after Cruise was banned)

Let’s add the new decks that are out there since Cruise was banned.

Eldrazi (flavor of the month)

Grixis Control (delve control)

Collect Company

Zoo (Naya Burn)

Lantern Control

Right, on so that’s a solid, if not totally complete look at the meta. What do I expect to come as the result of these bannings?

I’d wager that Twin players will move toward other blue decks that will pop up after the pro tour showcases something in that vein. There will be a spike in Affinity and the New Eldrazi Deck as well. Expect some Tempo decks like Delver to gain ground—banning [casthaven]Treasure Cruise[/casthaven] didn’t kill the deck it just gave Twin move room to work.

For my money, at least until I see something more enticing I’m going to fall back to UWR Control. I’ll be on KIKI Control this week.

Kiki Control Pre Cruise

Lands (25)
Arid Mesa
Celestial Colonnade
Clifftop Retreat
Flooded Strand
Hallowed Fountain
Sacred Foundry
Scalding Tarn
Steam Vents
Sulfur Falls
Tectonic Edge

Creatures (12)
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Restoration Angel
Snapcaster Mage
Wall of Omens

Spells (23)
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Helix
Mana Leak
Path to Exile
Spell Snare
Sideboard (15)
Aven Mindcensor
Izzet Staticaster
Kitchen Finks
Sowing Salt
Stony Silence
Wear / Tear

This seems like a good place to start. The deck hasn’t really seen play since the advent of Cruise. So let’s update it!

Kiki Control Post Cruise

Lands (24)
 Flooded Strand
Celestial Colonnade
Hallowed Fountain
Sacred Foundry
 Scalding Tarn
Steam Vents
Desolate Lighthouse
Tectonic Edge
 Ghost Quarter

Creatures (12)
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Restoration Angel
Snapcaster Mage
Vendillion Clique
Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy

Spells (24)
Cyptic Command
Lightning Bolt
Mana Leak
Path to Exile
Lightning Helix
Anger of the Gods
Supreme Veridct
Sideboard (15)
Aven Mindcensor
Izzet Staticaster
Kitchen Finks
Crumble to Dust
Stony Silence
Wear / Tear

The other idea I have is a pretty simple one. Just play Twin! Remove the Twins and add in [casthaven]Kiki Jiki, Mirror Breaker[/casthaven]. It’s a turn slower sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see this deck thriving in the new meta. People are going to remove their [casthaven]Rending Volley[/casthaven]s from their sideboards, and [casthaven]Spellskite[/casthaven] doesn’t affect this combo. So in the first weeks of the new modern meta you’ll have a nice hate free window to attack with infinite 1/4 and 2/1s.

Zac Clark


Zac Clark is the Founder of Hipsters of the Coast. An avid gamer since his early teens, Zac can often be found in Brooklyn either playing games or taking photos. When he’s not drawing extra cards, wrathing boards and countering spells, he’s taking pictures of other peoples good times and listening to 90’s Music.

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