Last Sunday I had my first taste at real success in a large scale MTG Tourney at the Get There Games SCG IQ, here’s the abridged version of what went down.
I wake up take a shower and grab a coffee, check my route and the sign in time… Doors at 11 cut off at 12. Normally, I’d say I’m really early but every since I switched my bar tending schedule around to work on my Wedding Photography business, I’ve been waking up a lot earlier. So, this is nice I don’t have to rush around like a psycho. I even pre packed everything last night, so I feel good.
I’m at Union Square, waiting for the X10 Bus to pick me up. It apparently takes me right near GTGs. $6 but totally worth the money if I can skip the ferry and it gets me there in about 40mins. I take the time on this empty luxury bus to go over my deck and write it down one last time.
Plenty of time, remaining I meet up with Tony Loman and he let’s me borrow three [casthaven]Tarmogoyf[/casthaven]. I remove the [casthaven]Mindbreak Traps[/casthaven] from my Sideboard and put in two [casthaven]Scavenging Ooze[/casthaven].
This is the deck.
RUG Delver
Lands (18) 3 Misty Rainforest 4 Scalding Tarn 3 Tropical Island 3 Volcanic Island 4 Wasteland 1 Arid Mesa Creatures (13) 4 Delver of Secrets 1 Grim Lavamancer 4 Tarmogoyf 1 True-Name Nemesis 3 Nimble Mongoose Spells (30) 4 Brainstorm 4 Daze 4 Force of Will 1 Forked Bolt 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Ponder 3 Spell Pierce 3 Stifle 1 Flusterstorm 2 Spell Snare | Sideboard (15) 2 Ancient Grudge 2 Scavenging Ooze 2 Submerge 2 Surgical Extraction 2 Sulfur Elemental 1 Vendilion Clique 1 Ashen Rider 2 Rough//Tumble 1 Life from the Loam |
[casthaven]Ashen Rider[/casthaven] and [casthaven]Life from the Loam[/casthaven] were in for kicks. When I was playing Merfolk, I didn’t like [casthaven]Ashen Rider[/casthaven] because I really had no way to find it. But with 4 [casthaven]Ponder[/casthaven], and 4 [casthaven]Brainstorm[/casthaven] he’s likely to appear more often against [casthaven]Show and Tell[/casthaven]. If he does, BLOW OUT TOWN!
Round 1
My first round was against Reanimator. First game was over in one turn. 2x [casthaven]Lotus Petal[/casthaven] island into [casthaven]Show and Tell[/casthaven] into [casthaven]Griselbrand[/casthaven]. I hadn’t even played a land yet. It was obvious this guy had me. I thought about scooping before it resolved but I had my one of [casthaven]True-Name Nemesis[/casthaven] in hand. If I give him just a little more time to see me play I could put him on the wrong deck for sideboarding. So I did. And then I played my [casthaven]Arid Mesa[/casthaven] got my [casthaven]Volcanic Island[/casthaven] cast [casthaven]Ponder[/casthaven] and scooped. Hopefully enough to put me on UWR in his eyes.
Game Two I was able to win even though after casting [casthaven]Surgical Extraction[/casthaven], my opponent didn’t remove his [casthaven]Griselbrand[/casthaven] from his graveyard (which is apparently my fault, that won’t ever happen again) so I just [casthaven]Dazed[/casthaven] his [casthaven]Exhume[/casthaven]. And eventually won with Delver. As I previously thought he was grumbling about seeing my TNN and [casthaven]Arid Mesa[/casthaven] and went back to his board.
Game Three was a thing of beauty. After a little counter action and pretty much stopping him from resolving any Reanimator spells, I drew ([casthaven]Brainstorm[/casthaven]) my [casthaven]Ashen Rider[/casthaven]. At this point I knew he had just a [casthaven]Grave Titan[/casthaven] from a previous [casthaven]Surgical Extraction[/casthaven]. He casts [casthaven]Show and Tell[/casthaven]. I take my time, then reveal [casthaven]Ashen Rider[/casthaven], my opponent gets two 2/2 zombies I have [casthaven]Tarmogoyf[/casthaven] and a 5/5 Flyer. It’s over quickly after.
Round 2
It’s a RUG off. My opponent admits it’s his first tourney back in a while. We chat for a few then it’s on. Both games I maintain a steady card advantage that comes from, knowing what’s worth [casthaven]Force of Will[/casthaven] and what’s a waste of two solid cards. Soon my opponent has no cards in hand and no non land cards on the battlefield. I’m free to cast a Delver and Goyf and end the game quickly.
Game Two he gets an early lead and I have to [casthaven]Force of Will[/casthaven] a second Delver in order to stay in the game. I manage to stick a [casthaven]Scavenging Ooze[/casthaven]. And a Mongoose. Ooze is doing work in the race but he’s also hurting my Mongoose. My opponent eventually has to block my 5/5 Ooze just to stay alive and the game tilts ever so slightly in my favor.
Round 3
Classic play of the Fates, it’s me and Tony Loman facing off. Better now then in the win and in I guess. Game one, I take unceremoniously, [casthaven]Tarmogoyf[/casthaven] swings for the kill, with bolt in hand. Game Two, I get [casthaven]Choke[/casthaven]d right out of the game. I look in my board I’ve got nothing for [casthaven]Choke[/casthaven]. Just have to stop him from playing it. My game three opener is interesting. [casthaven]Misty Rainforest[/casthaven], [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven], [casthaven]Tarmogoyf[/casthaven], [casthaven]Spell Pierce[/casthaven], [casthaven]Life from the Loam[/casthaven], [casthaven]Lightning Bolt[/casthaven], [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven]. I’m on the play, so I run for the [casthaven]Tropical Island[/casthaven] off Misty and Pass. The next turn I play [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven] after drawing [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven] and cast [casthaven]Life from the Loam[/casthaven] for the Misty. Tony groans. Next turn I play [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven] and kill off both lands. Tony scoops and we grab some lunch.
Round 4
Ok I just need one win here and it’s draw into the top 8! Easy stuff. I’m up against Nic Fit. What the hell is Nic Fit? I ask Tony he gives me the run down. “[casthaven]Stifle[/casthaven] his [casthaven]Veteran Explorer[/casthaven] triggers.” he tells me, “They play ALOT of Basics!” This could be bad. Game one I was able to run him over with Delver and Goyf. Sweet just need another win and I can draw into the top 8. Game two didn’t go my way. My threast came in right on time and I over extended seeing no reason to not, then [casthaven]Pernicious Deed[/casthaven] blew me out. [casthaven]Thragtusk[/casthaven] finished the job. Game Three I was able to counter his [casthaven]Deed[/casthaven], then Extract it. Then I countered his [casthaven]Thragtusk[/casthaven], then I Surgical’d that as he cast his [casthaven]Eternal Witness[/casthaven]. Then he got down [casthaven]Sensei’s Diving Top[/casthaven], bought a turn, then cast [casthaven]Scapeshift[/casthaven]… And I died to Valakut.
Well that sucked! But no big deal, I’m not even feeling the pressure. I’ve got two more matches to make up a win. I can do that. This won’t be like States with Replenish so many years back when I went 3-0 and then lost my next three matches. I know this deck, I can win one more easy.
Round 5
After a deck check, which both my opponent and I came through unscathed. I was treated to a Game one turn one [casthaven]Chalice of the Void[/casthaven] on 1. I looked at my hand… All one’s. I play a few more turns to see what I was playing against. Tezzerator. Game two I snap kept and played my Delver and ran with him until my opponent finally found his Tezzeret. Then an [casthaven]Ensnaring Bridge[/casthaven]. Once again I was locked out of the game! But my opponent t was at 2 life. Could I find a bolt? No I sided them out. He drained me for 10 then did it again.
This is getting kinda hairy, I don’t wanna lose this next round. I check in on Tony. He’s 3-2 as well. They post standings, I’m 10th that gives me a pretty solid chance on a win and in. It’s time to knuckle up or buckle up.
Round 6
Another deck check. I protest, this is my second of the day. But they take our decks. My opponent has extra cards in his box and takes a game loss. That’s bad news for him, as I really like my opener. Turn one Delver with bolt daze Force [casthaven]Grim Lavamancer[/casthaven] and [casthaven]wasteland[/casthaven]. My opponent plays an [casthaven]Ancestral Visions[/casthaven] and passes. I draw [casthaven]Ponder[/casthaven] I play Delver. He passes, Delver flips revealing Bolt. I cast Lavamancer [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven] his [casthaven]Underground Sea[/casthaven] and attack he’s at 16 from a fetch. I pass. He plays [casthaven]Abrupt decay[/casthaven] on the Delver. I draw and play Delver. He casts decay on my second Delver a turn later. I draw [casthaven]brainstorm[/casthaven] and pass. He passes, I burn him to 11 with GL. I draw a bolt. That’s right I have three bolts, but only one land. I pass. He casts [casthaven]Hymn to Tourach[/casthaven]. I [casthaven]brainstorm[/casthaven] and hide two bolts. He gets a [casthaven]Tropical Island[/casthaven] and a [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven]. I draw and play [casthaven]Arid Mesa[/casthaven], pass. He plays Goyf. It’s big. I hit for 2 with Grim (9). I draw my bolt. Cast a bolt (6) (he’s tapped out, and I want to be sure). He attacks with the Goyf. I take 5. 13. Another Shock with Grim (4). Untap and and show him the bolt. He scoops.
Ok, a bit of luck but that’s Magic right! It’s top 8 for me.
8th Seed vs 1st Seed RUG Delver vs Storm
I couldn’t be happier about this match-up. I built my deck in hopes of avoiding creature decks and playing as many combo decks as possible. Liam is a more than competent Storm pilot though, he is X-0 (ok 4-0-2 but that’s the honor of winning your first 4 rounds). Game one Liam floods out and I move in with Delver and Goyf with a 3 [casthaven]Force of Will[/casthaven] opener there’s not a lot he could do. Game two he [casthaven]Cabal Therapy[/casthaven]’s my 3 [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven] hand after a [casthaven]Gitaxian Probe[/casthaven] and he gets in the Tendrils.
Game three I’m wary of [casthaven]Xantrid Swarm[/casthaven] and I keep in my Bolts. I have plenty of Counter magic but no real clock. Finally I find a Goyf after I final a few after lands to play him. I’ve been holding up mana so long Liam is sure I’m full of Counter magic. He [casthaven]Duress[/casthaven]es, I force it to show him a [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven] is meaningless to me. In my hand in [casthaven]Spell Snare[/casthaven], [casthaven]Spell Snare[/casthaven], [casthaven]Stifle[/casthaven]. I feel very safe. The next turn Liam casts A Chain of Rituals at his 2nd to last card I throw out one [casthaven]Spell Snare[/casthaven], he flashes me a [casthaven]Infernal Tutor[/casthaven] and my second Snare is there to clean that up.
Semi Finals: Gobins Vs Rug Delver
Jim Davis is a pretty big deal when it comes to little red dudes. That’s what Tony Loman has been telling me all day. I can’t doubt that I saw him beat a miracles player with a moat out in the round before this. BONKERS! Anyhow, Jim is more than cordial and introduces himself, then we both go into serious mode.
Game one he plays a Cavern and [casthaven]Goblin Lackey[/casthaven]. I play a [casthaven]Grim Lavamancer[/casthaven]. Jim attacks and I block, not my favorite play but it’s important to not let him free play Goblins he plays a [casthaven]Rishadan Port[/casthaven] and passes. Looks like he having trouble finding Red Mana. I have 2 [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven] in hand. I play a Mongoose and Waste his Cavern. [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven] and [casthaven]Stifle[/casthaven] sit in hand. He fetches, I [casthaven]stifle[/casthaven] hoping to keep him off red. He passes. The next few turns are me [casthaven]ponder[/casthaven]ing and [casthaven]Brainstorm[/casthaven]ing to get Goose to Threshold, while drawing my 3rd [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven]. The game ends shortly after buying a few turns to Jim’s mana troubles.
Game two is nothing like game one. Jim is on the warpath. Turn one [casthaven]Æther Vial[/casthaven] means his Mana Troubles aren’t gonna be a thing this game. And as much as I try to kill his hoard it’s apparent that he’s going to swarm me. [casthaven]Goblin Piledriver[/casthaven] brings me from 14 to 6 with a couple friends. Then it’s over.
Game three, I start with Mongoose and [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven] back up. Which I use on his [casthaven]Æther Vial[/casthaven]. [casthaven]Brainstorm[/casthaven] and Fetch gaining three non land cards and then I play a Goyf at 3/4 (Lands, Artifacts, Instant) Mongoose hits Threshold with [casthaven]Wasteland[/casthaven] [casthaven]Ponder[/casthaven] and Bolt for a Goblin. Jim blocks the Goyf the next turn but he’s back peddling to stay in the game. I remain at 19 life he’s at 11. Jim Fetches and Plays a [casthaven]Goblin Matron[/casthaven] for [casthaven]Goblin Ringleader[/casthaven]. Goyf blocked again and Mongoose gets in as a [casthaven]Forked Bolt[/casthaven] hits Jim bringing him to 5. In my hand [casthaven]Spell Snare[/casthaven], [casthaven]Force of Will[/casthaven], [casthaven]Daze[/casthaven]. Jim plays two goblins. I [casthaven]Spell Snare[/casthaven] the War Marshall and and Daze the second one. My attack brings him to 2. And after his draw he concedes.
I really lucked out taking the first game on the draw. Swarm Decks are generally a really hard time for me.
I didn’t play the finals, I was ready to go home, and $300 seems like a great place to stop for the day. I had access to 360 in credit, but without Power, Duals or Goyfs I think I’d just rather take the cash. I gave my opponent the invite, as I’m not really working at the moment while I try to get my wedding photography business off the ground, and the money will likely go into trying to make that successful.
6-2-1 though pretty good run. I’m feeling like I played to the best of my abilities, I didn’t make many if any glaring mistakes (aside from the [casthaven]Exhume[/casthaven]/ [casthaven]Surgical Extraction[/casthaven] thing) and I was rewarded for calm calculated play, and not going on tilt, when I lost, even in games that were a turn away from me. It all evened out and I feel pretty good about the deck, in this form. The [casthaven]Spell Snare[/casthaven]s in place of on Lavamancer and [casthaven]Fire//Ice[/casthaven] were excellent, and I think I’ll keep that [casthaven]Ashen Rider[/casthaven] in the board for luck, if not just cuz I dig it.
That’s my story, after the win I took a cab to the Ferry and the 1 to the L, hit up Alaska bar, got Tony a shot for the Goyfs, came home told my girlfriend, made Tuna Casserole and built my modern deck for the week. But that’s a story for Next week!
Zac Clark